GameStop Fires Firm Connected to Citadel (BCG)

18 thoughts on “GameStop Fires Firm Connected to Citadel (BCG)

  1. I don’t believe in luck, online marginals, as such im no fatalist. This is by no means a coincidence. 1 or 2, then maybe – a handfull – extremely unlikely. 10 or more, probability says no.

  2. Great job on this wish the rest of the world could see this. It’s no coincidence just crime

  3. Without doubt it is no ‘massive coincidence’ BCG and various other executives were out to bring GameStop to its knees, thank God for Ryan Cohen, yourself and Retail buyers. Keep up the great work Frank, your reports are refreshing and honest.

  4. Thank you for an honest review! It’s not a cohencidence at all. Keep following the trail we uncovered the largest criminal network in the world.

  5. The more we hold, the more dirt is exposed!! You can’t make this stuff up! I have a feeling we are going to see more dirty laundry in the next months. We Apes have and will support Ryan Cohen more than ever because of what he discovered. 🚀🚀🚀

  6. As of March 25, 2022, more positives than negatives. It’s encouraging.
    Thank you Frank, I truly appreciate all these updates.
    Cheers to all my Ape 🦍 colleagues. And thanks for hanging in.

      1. Now imagine having LOTS of shares 🚀 BUYING more ALL YEAR 🏴‍☠️ Now imagine millions of people doing this around the world 🌎 all year 💩🦍🏴‍☠️🚀

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