Credit Suisse Receives New $17 Billion in Write-offs

Credit Suisse was provided with $108 billion in liquidity assistance and has now received a new $17 billion in write-offs. Here's the latest.

4 thoughts on “Credit Suisse Receives New $17 Billion in Write-offs

  1. I am absolutely disgusted, frustrated, and tired of watching the biggest players take their profits home and dump their losses on everyone, ANYONE else. How is that justice? Why is it even legal? Maybe I’m just naive, for believing in accountability and basic principles of right and wrong. I have to consider to sell every investment I’ve ever made, because I have zero trust in our financial system and markets at this point.

    1. The only bail out I received was my wife and son evicted by police to the curb and within a year they would both be dead. There should not be a bailout there should be a buyout. With all federal insurance being covered and everything else … To the curb

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