Citadel Faces Potential Default on Russian Tech Company

9 thoughts on “Citadel Faces Potential Default on Russian Tech Company

  1. Citadel default? Ha ha ha ha! Citadel won’t default.

    The more I hear about the uber rich being bailed out, especially on a day like today where I’ve been handing our bagged lunch to homeless, the more I’m pro- burn the motherfuckers down.
    I’m really so disgusted at the flippant nature of all this tomfoolery. It’s like it’s rubbed in our faces.

  2. When will any of this affect AMC if at all ??? Just looking for positive hope !

  3. The sooner predatory market manipulating institutions like Citadel go under the better. Citadel is proof that unfettered capital markets not cannot self regulate, it also proves unregulated markets cannot be trusted either.

  4. Surely not going to cry for Citadel….Kenneth is living a grand life on the company’s ability to make money when so many others failed as Citadel has crushed many of his fellow competitors in the industry.

  5. By God’s grace, this is a big catalyst. We are almost at the Promised Land. Let us continue to “Walk by Faith🙏“

    1. Was not the Citadelle jet in the last days in Finland at the Russian border ?? What was probably the reason for this visit in an almost deserted area …. conspiratorial meeting, for example, in the interest chelsea football or other illegal values transactions ???

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