AMC Will Now Distribute a New 13% Cash Dividend

AMC Entertainment will now distribute a new $13 cash dividend to investors for every share they hold -- part of its settlement obligations.

18 thoughts on “AMC Will Now Distribute a New 13% Cash Dividend

  1. I have a question. I currently have 1600 ape shares. Is the 1share for every 7.5 ape shares going to reflect / count before or after the 1:10 rs. Basically is it for 1600 or 160 ape shares? And is it the same as this 13% “dividend”?

    1. You will have 160 AMC shares after the conversion/reverse split/dividend. You won’t get the dividend. If you had 750 AMC shares before the rs, you would have 85 AMC shares after everything. 750 / 10 = 75 + (75 / 7.5) = 85

  2. Screw amc, AA, hedges and sec. They all cricked. I sold everything as soon as the bitch ok the rs.

  3. Where are you getting this information? Schwab said they do not see any information regarding a dividend distribution.

  4. Is it really $13 per share CASH? …”new $13 cash dividend to investors for every share they hold “…..So, if I own 1,000 shares, is AMC really going to pay me a cash dividend of $13,000? That sounds way too good to be true. I assume I am misunderstanding something. Any clarification would be appreciated.

    1. I explained it in the article: Note: 7.5 * .1333 = .99975 | The dividend is a 13.33 PERCENT DIVIDEND. You get 1 share for every 7.5.

      It’s not a traditional dividend, it’s one like APE. $13.33 PCT stands for percentage, not dollar amount. I know only a few caught this. I revised the article to reflect this to clarify.

    2. Here’s the conversion info
      Lets do the math after the APE conversion to AMC. 1/7.5=0.1333×100=13.333%.

  5. Will it happen with the current shares I have now, or when it’s cut down with the split?

  6. The manipulation of AMC stock in the last 3-5 days is fucking unbelievable!!! Share activity of over 100 million shares and the stock loses 24%??? The corruption and manipulation is astonishing.

    1. Seems AA and shorts are stealing all our money and anyone in charge of policing this fiasco just sits by and whistles

    1. What a crock. 13% of $12/share is ALOT cheaper than 13% of $40/share. Who do you think drove down that price????

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