Protecting Corporate Data: 3 Different Methods to Prevent Leakage
Our lives include a lot of remote work – and its quantity grows day by day.The likelihood of company data leaks increased as mobile devices have become the mainstay of our working lives for communication and collaboration. Despite the fact that the Internet is full of shocking data breach statistics, the majority of the data exposures were caused by human mistakes.
Although eliminating all dangers from your company is unfortunately unattainable, there are techniques to protect your information best against them and strengthen your security posture.
Data leakage can have a catastrophic impact on the operations and reputation of your business. Millions of dollars could be lost as a result of the disruptions brought on by a data leak as you try to determine what went wrong and how much damage was done. It is a serious responsibility that grows harder over time to keep this data safe from those who would misuse it.
Today’s businesses use secure virtual storage for a variety of things, like safely exchanging documents with counterparties. This has significantly increased and improved communication with partners over email while safeguarding confidential information. Data room software has provided coordinated document workflow in a secure setting for collaborative projects.
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What Is Data Leakage?
Sensitive information is forgotten and disclosed by a cybercriminal, either electronically or physically, in a data leak. Internal equipment of an enterprise, such as employee laptops, external hard drives, USB drives, or electronic connection via the internet or employee emails, are frequent sources of data leakage. In the event of a data leak, cybercriminals track out the leak and use the information they discover to better their own ability to carry out a data breach.
Simple mistakes can result in data leaks, but those whose information was exposed don’t care how it happened — only that it did. The potential for reputational, financial, legal, and regulatory harm is the same for data leaks, as are the breach notification requirements.
Types of Data Leaks
- Accidental Data Leaks
You might not expect inadvertent data breaches to happen very often, yet they can happen in a variety of circumstances. Examples include cases when a worker enters sensitive employee information inadvertently into an online code repository, when an improper setup bucket exposes confidential employee information, and when inappropriate permissions cause shared documents to appear online.
- Intentioned or Malicious Internal Employees
Unsatisfied business partners or workers who depart the company might try to steal data and sell it on the black market for a high price. This situation arises when employees are irate and seek to harm the company. Depending on the company and the individual’s level of permission, a number of things could be leaked if an employee or ex-employee decides to leak information.
- Physical Data Theft
A physical data leak may occur accidentally or on purpose. Employees dropping USB drives, having a computer stolen, or being robbed are all examples of physical data leakage.
Let’s talk about how to prevent data leakage now that you are familiar with the main types of data leakage.
3 Ways to Protect Your Corporate Data from Data Leakage
Here are some crucial actions your firm may take to prevent the leak of your corporate data better.
- Clean up Data Storage on Your IT Assets
An attacker would have to go through an additional step to access or steal the data. The attacker will have immediate access to the data if it is simply in a compromised place.
You can develop a multilayered cybersecurity strategy that is harder to breach by keeping sensitive data a little more isolated. You can make use of various data room providers to protect your sensitive data from leakage. In turn, this increases the likelihood that the cybersecurity team at your company will be able to recognize, contain, and stop the attack before it can do too much harm. Find more information about the data room at
- Identify Critical Data and Information
The first step in safeguarding your network is understanding where your sensitive and important data is situated. How can essential data be adequately protected if you don’t know where it is stored? To make sure sensitive information is clearly marked and understood by everyone in the organization, businesses need to be aware of how much data they have, and where it is and have a universal data coding system for it. To safeguard the private data on your network and aid in the detection of interruptions or data leaks, think about using reliable data room provider software.
- Monitor Security Posture of VDR Vendors
When you collaborate with vendors of safe virtual data rooms you take on their risks and vulnerabilities. It’s crucial to carry out a third-party risk assessment before working with a vendor in order to recognize and comprehend the dangers connected to their line of work. Then, the suppliers’ security posture must be monitored by you to look for any new risks or vulnerabilities.
As new technologies complicate cybersecurity efforts, cyber threats are always evolving, making it challenging for many vendors that don’t constantly update their networks to ensure continuous compliance. Therefore, while working with third-party providers, it is your organization’s obligation to maintain compliance and a robust security posture.
For both individuals and corporations, data leaking poses a severe security risk. Sensitive information, including emails, texts, social media posts, and more, can become available to persons who shouldn’t have access to it. Numerous scenarios, such as hacking, theft, or unintentional release, are possible. Your private data might be compromised if you are not сautious.
Users can collaborate on corporate data in a secure environment without worrying about unauthorized access, which is a significant advantage of a secure VDR. You may restrict who has access to your data, preventing any unauthorized copying. Digital watermarks will also stop illicit information duplication. They might be used with text, audio, and video data. Digital watermarks prevent information from leaking to the outside world and keep you in compliance with data protection rules.