4 thoughts on “Will MULN Shares Keep Surging?

  1. The biggest issue we have in the market right now is the outright open CORRUPTION by Hedgefunds, shortsellers …And the Darkpool with the 3ndless supply of naked shares they keep producing from cellarboxing …FINRA IS COMPLICIT AS IS GARY GENSLER due to the lack of doing any kind of investigation into the corrupt trading going on ….LOOK , IF RETAILS SEES WHATS GOING ON AND THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS FILED ,,WHY IS NOTHING BEING DONE ….GARY GENSLER ….STOP ACCEPTING PAYOFFS TO KEEP QUIET !

  2. Frank, Like you I am also hearing and reading nothing but positive statements on MULN. I jumped in yesterday late at roughly .42

  3. The shares were surging long before there was any signs of production, sales, and yes earnings. Now that these things are much closer common sense should materialize a much higher stock price. Having said that I’m not always sure markets use common sense.

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