One of the best ways to have your money work for you in 2022 is by putting it in a safe index fund such as the S&P 500 where it will earn you 8%-10% per year.
Investing your money is easy!
Most people have just never been exposed to how simple the process truly is.
Depending on your level of risk, you could invest in individual stocks that you think will go up in value over a period of time (e.g., Apple, Tesla, etc..).
The S&P 500 for example invests in the top 500 companies in the U.S. so it’s very well diversified: hence making it a safer investment.
I recommend you download the app “Mint” by intuit to track all of your accounts and see how they grow in real-time throughout 2022!
Create a plan to how much of your income you will be allocating towards investments every month.
I suggest having an emergency fund set aside first so that you’re always ready to tackle any unprecedented challenges this 2022.
#2. Diversify with cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is here to stay and if you think it’s too late to invest in crypto, think again.
Crypto has made a loud statement, but analysts have massive predictions for many of the popular cryptocurrencies, meaning there’s a lot of room for growth.
Another way you can have your money work for you is by allocating a small percentage into digital assets.
Two cryptos I’m personally long on are Cardano (ADA), and Shiba (SHIB).
Because these two digital assets are very affordable, planting seeds now could bear incredible fruits sometime during this decade.
So even though you might only be able to double or triple your investment this decade with Bitcoin, the opportunity for massive gains with other cryptocurrencies are still out there.
You can view when I buy both stocks and crypto exclusively on the Patreon.
I’m going to go over 3 different ways I’ve done it to provide you with insight and value so you can do it too.
I never had any mentorship when achieving these goals, so I feel very happy being able to share my story with you.
Make sure to subscribe to the blog for more articles like this.
Welcome to – today we’re discussing what it’s going to take to earn your very first 6-figures. Here’s how I did it and how you can do it too.
Let’s get started!
My First 6-Figures Story (Family Business)
I’m going to be as brief as I can while still providing you with value and knowledge.
Earning my first 6-figures were the hardest.
The first time I earned 6-figures was as an intrapreneur within the family business.
I had a sales position role I took on straight out of college.
The year was 2015 and it was the most intimidating thing I had ever done at that point of my life.
I’ll never forget how I felt receiving my very first PO, it was around $40 or so and I remember thinking, “wow, this purchase order is money”.
I took on the sales role because I was certain of two things.
I wanted to make a lot of money
People in sales made a lot of money
And although it was extremely uncomfortable, I wanted to take on the challenge so that I could live the lifestyle that I wanted to live.
This chapter of my life was very challenging and pact with rejection after rejection.
When you do sales for a company, you put yourself in front of rejection every day to earn the opportunity to work another company.
I did this for 4 years straight before closing the year with 6-figures in sales for the very first time.
Year 5 was another 6-figure year in sales, although I didn’t earn that in income, and year 6 would have been my third year earning 6-figures too.
But I had left the family business to pursue my own business ventures and create the life I’ve always intended on living.
I’m actually drafting my second eBook to help those in family businesses identify when it’s time to leave the family business, especially if the environment becomes toxic.
Something I kept in mind was that if I could make someone else’s business 6-figures per year, then I could do it for myself and my family too.
The Second Way I Earned 6-Figures Was with Stocks
I am going in chronological order to help you understand a little bit about my background and my story.
I’ve always had a dream of making a lot of money and living life on my own terms.
When I became aware I wasn’t going to become affluent working for someone else, I decided to take action and invest in myself by accumulating a lot of knowledge online.
Though I didn’t have any mentors in person, I did have mentors online, at least that’s what I’ve always considered them to be.
I consumed content from a variety of successful and wealthy people and took the most valuable things from them to mold my own character.
Learning how to invest in stocks was so intimidating because no one was showing you how to do it.
Every article I read online was so dated and full of mumbo jumbo jargon.
Without hesitation, I opened my broker account with Vanguard, deposited my first $20, and made my first investment two months later after that deposit.
Why Invest in Stocks?
The year was 2019 when I made my first investment in the stock market.
I’ve always wanted to invest in the stock market because unlike a high yield savings account, it earned a lot more returns annually.
I was deep into financial literacy and was learning as much as I could about making money, managing it, and multiplying it.
So naturally stocks came to mind.
In fact, I’ve wanted to invest in stocks ever since one of my finance professors from college advised he did.
Old man was a gatekeeper though, he had absolutely no regard for showing us how to start!
So, with that in mind, I decided to launch to show people what I was doing to make, manage, and multiply my money.
This is not a website for financial advice, it’s a website for insight, perspective, and self-education.
The first time I saw 6-figures in stocks was during the summer of 2021 when momentum stocks were up, and my long-term stocks were very healthy.
I understand that in the beginning it’s difficult putting money away, and it’s even more difficult investing it.
Learn to let go of the money so that it can go out and bring back some more.
I’ve found that it’s very important to take calculated risks in life.
The third way I’ve earned 6-figures is by reaching millions of people online via my blog.
I’m beginning my third-year blogging in 2022 and am excited to provide even more value to the communities I serve online.
There’s content on my blog for:
New bloggers
Stock investors
Crypto investors
& Financial literacy seekers
I’ve written a ton of content to help people either gain insight to reach a new level, or digest content on important information that will help them improve their finances one way or another.
While I do blog for a living, I also run a 5-figure advertising agency that I’m working towards getting to 6-figures.
It’s all been extremely challenging and has taken time.
Excluding stock investing, earning 6-figures for any business or platform will require you to provide a lot of value to the receiver.
Reach For More!
Earning 6-figures might sound like a dream come true, but in all honesty it’s only one steppingstone towards a greater and much more prosperous future.
6-figures shouldn’t be the goal, but rather be seen as a milestone that will propel you even further.
I recently heard a saying, “don’t buy stupid $#!% until you at least have $500k in the bank”.
The financial literacy in that statement is strong and I love it.
Even when you earn a 6-figure income, live below your means to maximize your net worth growth potential on that income.
Otherwise, living paycheck to paycheck would have meant your efforts were all for nothing.
So, what are these secrets that allowed me to manifest 6-figures in 3 different ways?
The appetite to do so
Setting goals and
Taking relentless action to meet them
That’s it, that’s all it takes.
You’ll need to want it, you’ll have to be clear on what it is you want (6-figures), and then you’ll have to take as much action necessary to make it happen.
Here are some examples:
Family Business
In the family business, I created this appetite for meeting the 6-figure goal.
Once I was clear on what I wanted to accomplish, I began setting goals as to how I would accomplish this within my niche industry.
From there it took 4 years of relentless action to finally reach 6-figures in sales.
Stock Investing
I had a hunger to learn how to invest so I chose the path of stock investing.
I got clear on wanting to multiply my money with the intention of making more than 6-figures one day, and took relentless action to put money aside to invest when opportunities came my way.
The discipline to not spend but rather save, is a form of taking relentless action towards a future goal.
Blogging came more natural than anything else I’ve ever done.
I’ve always loved to write, and to help people.
As I set goals to further provide value, my blog grew exponentially as I took relentless action towards giving more than I received.
Although blogging has been challenging in its own respect, it’s also been the most natural to me personally.
There you have it; these are the 3 different ways I’ve earned 6-figures.
While yours might differ from mine, the 3 secrets I’ve outlined are what helped me do it 3 different times.
In retrospect, now I’m wondering if there needs to be more things added to that list in order to go beyond 6-figures, such as hiring a team for example.
I guess that will be a blog post for another time.
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You can follow me on social media using the links below.
Ever wondered how to generate money in your sleep? Here are 6 guaranteed ways to earn passive income no matter where you are in the world.
Welcome to – the blog where you can digest content on personal finance, side hustle ideas, entrepreneurship, and trending investing topics.
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Earning passive income has never been easier to earn.
Whether you’re looking to earn a few hundred dollars per month, an additional $1,000 per month, or $100k per year, it’s all very possible.
Some of these are effortless, others will require more time and work from you.
#1. Invest In Index Funds
An index fund is a type of mutual fund that tracks the market index of pooled investments.
These index funds provide broad market exposure with low operating expense.
Some of these yield a whopping annual return of 10%-20%!
This type of investment can be short-term but is mainly used as a long-term strategy for building wealth.
Depending on the performance of the index fund, these yield passive earnings (dividends) as the market fluctuates.
Here are some tips to choosing the right index fund for you!
Be aware of the expense ratio. The lower this number is, the smaller the fee is. A low expense ratio would be 0.03% while a hefty one would be 1.00%+
Check the funds performance history. You should be investing in a fund with a great performance history, especially if you’re just starting out. The market is consistently going up and down but if a funds history shows it has a great track of continuously going up, then it’s sure to keep growing in value.
Choose a fund that invests in companies that you follow and are genuinely interested in. This thought process allows you to invest in companies comfortably and confidently. Don’t invest in a company you haven’t done your research on.
Index funds are a great way to earn small passive income that eventually snowballs over a long period of time.
#2. Open A High Yielding Savings or Money Market Account
Investing your money into a high yielding or money market accountwill bear money every month.
It will not fail you.
Instead of having your money collect dust in your personal savings account, move some of it to an account that will put your money to work and pay you an interest for holding it.
Here are some tips to how you can make the best out of this strategy:
Choose a bank that is FDIC insured. This protects your assets.
Look for banks with the highest paying interest to make the most of your hard earned money.
Deposit money every month. By depositing earnings every month, interest will accumulate on the deposits made, the initial deposit, and all interest earned! This creates a snowball effect by multiplying your money, also known as compound interest.
This passive income is guaranteed every month and is much more effective than a regular savings account.
This is one of those passive income ideas that require almost no effort at all.
#3. Rental Income
If you own property, you can establish passive income by renting it out.
Each bedroom you aren’t using can generate you passive income year-round!
Write a rental agreement that details the rent amount, due date, whether utilities are covered or not, and conditions of living space in order to set some ground rules clear.
Another great idea is to enlist property you own on Airbnb.
Airbnb is great especially if your property is near a popular tourist hot spot.
List all the awesome areas near your property to attract visitors year-round.
Consider renting out storage space in your home if you have the room for it. allows you to find people in your area looking to store their personal belongings.
This makes it easier for you to find prospects without the hassle of marketing your service online.
Renting your space is one of the more underrated strategies to earn passive income.
A REIT is similar to an index fund and is another great way to earn passive income.
By investing in a REIT you invest specifically in real estate companies.
These funds have a higher dividend gain than most index funds and have better traction when the market isn’t performing at its best.
REITs own income-producing real estate such as offices, apartments, warehouses, hospitals, shopping center, hotels, etc…
The awesome thing about REITs is that you invest in real estate without involving credit, large amount of upfront cash, or closing deals yourself.
Similar to an index fund, you want to invest in companies that are high performers and have the biggest returns in history.
#5. YouTube Content
YouTube content has allowed many people to earn passive income through the use of placed advertisement in their videos.
Find a niche and grow an audience.
Meet the requirements to monetize your videos so you can start making money in your sleep.
This will require your time and dedication so write a plan and take action to see it through.
If you found this article to be of value be sure to give it a social share!
#6. Blogging
Blogging, like YouTube can create passive income when monetized properly.
One of the most common ways blogs are monetized is through displayed advertisement.
Once your blog is monetized with ads, you will begin to earn passive income 24/7, especially if you have a rather large audience.
You can also earn passive income through affiliate programs.
Most people start an online business as a side hustle to earn an extra income. Whether you’re aiming to provide a service, sell a product, or earn passive income, you can do it all online!
Welcome to – the blog where you can digest content on personal finance, side hustle ideas, entrepreneurship, and trending investing topics.
Lets get started!
So, What’s The Difference Between an Online Business and a Tangible Business?
An online businessdoes not require tangible assets such as a building, inventory, or team to do business. A tangible business on the other hand usually requires an office, warehouse, team, physical supplies, and overall a much bigger overhead.
With an online business you can earn money online no matter where you are in the world oppose to a tangible business. Most tangible businesses require that you oversee all operations to ensure everyone in your company is doing their part.
Though an online business takes longer to pick up from inception, the long term rewards can be abundant. The upside to this is that you can build a one-man empire. Yup, no overhead meaning higher profit margins!
Can anyone start an online business?
Anyone can start an online business. All you need is the entrepreneurial spirit to spark a startup and begin earning money with your ideas.
Here’s how to do it.
#1. Find Your Niche
First, identify what your online business will be about.
Your niche is the center of it all. Combine your strengths with your interests to see what you can offer to the online world. Your niche should be something you can enjoy doing. If you love to write, publish a blog. If you love apparel, sell it online using eCommerce!
Many entrepreneurs are finding ways to monetize their talents and skills online.
Find what you’re good at and share it with the marketplace.
There’s a ton of online business ideas you can choose from. The one that will benefit you the most is going to be the one that you really enjoy doing.
For example: I love to write. Two of my online businesses have to do with writing. One is in the music industry and the second is this personal finance and entrepreneurship blog.
Most peoples online businesses start off as a hobby but eventually end up generating them money. This usually occurs when you treat your startup like an actual business.
How can I monetize an online business?
If you aren’t selling a product or service you can still make money online. Your online business can review products and link people to the products using affiliated services.
Affiliate services pay you when someone signs up for a service or purchases a product using the affiliate link. This is actually one way bloggers make money from their online business.
What’s amazing about affiliate marketing is that once money starts flowing in it’s all completely passive!
The most common ways to make money from an online business are by:
Selling a service or product
Advertising businesses (B2B)
Providing reviewing and promotional services
Implementing affiliate marketing
Using advertisements on your web site
The way you earn money from your online business is going to highly depend on what your niche is all about and what you’re going to be providing to the marketplace.
Before you start an online business you’ll need to identify your value.
What value will you be providing to the consumer? Are you looking to solve a problem by offering a unique and effective service? Will your product change the way the consumer feels about themselves? How will you improve their lives?
Or, are you looking to entertain or to educate and inform? Identify and understand what value you will be providing to your target market.
Whether you run a tangible business or an online business, you’ll need to provide value to your customers. Learn to identify what it is they need and how to provide an amazing experience.
How can I provide value to my customers?
To provide value means to make a difference in someone else’s life. Some ways you can impact a customer and provide value include:
Providing exceptional communication skills
Delivering quality work
Instilling and emotional drive for the product or service
Creating lasting partnerships
Everyone values different things but these are just some of the most effective ways you can provide value to your customers so your online business can reap the rewards.
When you provide value to your customers your online business will begin to thrive.
So now that you’ve figured out your niche and have a pretty well rounded idea of how to provide your customers with value, let’s talk about how to actually set up your online business.
Here’s the fun part.
#3. Build A Website For Your Online Business
Every business should have a website, especially in todays world; however, an online business must have a professional website.
You can use a free web hosting service like WIX if you’re just starting out. This will help you get a feel for what it is to have your service or product displayed online. However, if you’re ready to get serious about your online business you’ll have to purchase your domain for a more professional presentation.
Purchasing your domain is going to be the very first investment you’re going to make in your online business. A thriving online business needs a great webhost provider. For this, we recommend building a website with Bluehost.
Bluehost is the #1 suggested web hosting service by WordPress. They power over 2 million websites worldwide and offer a free domain name for your first year. A professional website is essential for an online business to thrive in the marketplace.
How easy is it to use Bluehost?
Bluehost is super easy to use.
You’ll be surprised to find out that everything you need to run an online business takes very little time to learn with their services. Bluehost’s layout is easy to navigate and the tools become second nature in no time.
Keep in mind that this initial investment is going to be the foundation to your online business empire.
I’ve purchased my domain, what’s next?
Congratulations on achieving your first steps as an entrepreneur. As a marketing and branding expert, this next step is one of my personal favorite parts.
Because Bluehost makes it very easy to build a really cool website, personalizing it to cater to the publics needs is also very easy and fun.
Spend time updating images on your website and really making your platform stand out. Your website should easily demonstrate to its visitors what you have to offer to them.
This is the step where you really get to make your website stand out so get creative!
What if I haven’t branded?
If you haven’t branded yet don’t worry. Focus on your content and on really putting your services out there first. Let people know what you’re doing and what your online business has to offer.
You can brand once you have a clear mindset on where you want to take your online business and have a vision on how it will impact people.
Be sure to check out my network tab to see how your online business can benefit from using other businesses services to grow. Maldonado Graphic Design works with you to create your logo so you can brand your online business.
#4. Promote Your Online Business Using Social Media
So you’ve set up your online business and have an amazing website to showcase your services or products. Now it’s time to market your business to the right people using the best social media outlets for your new business.
If you’re providing music services make yourself known to artists on Twitter. If you’re selling amazing branded apparel, show off your line on Instagram.
Do you have a service catering to a specific industry? Network with people on LinkedIn. You should learn to identify which social media puts your business in front of the right people. You might already be thinking of a specific platform that could work well for you. And if you don’t, figure out what works and what doesn’t.
Use at least two great means of social media and grow those platforms to simultaneously increase your online businesses presence. It’s not necessary but it helps you with your brand awareness.
How can I thrive online?
Social media is a great platform to get your content out to the right people.
It is necessary for you to understand who your target audience is. Once you figure out who your potential customers are, you’ll be able to present your online services to them at scale.
This will require you to be consistent which brings us to the next topic. How to really thrive online.
Use social media marketing
Publish links to your website and products and services on social media. Distribute some piece of content every day and remain consistent.
Your business must remain active online to stay relevant. Your business will look fresh if you’re actively engaging people online and producing content or sharing links.
This is a crucial part of the process when starting your online business. Get seen.
#5. Always Pitch
Every post, every email, everything you do to catch attention online is your pitch to sell your service or product. So, always pitch.
The moment you stop posting, emailing, engaging, and networking, is the moment you stop taking action to ensure your online business builds momentum and starts earning revenue.
Your business cannot thrive if you stop getting better. Your online business should look and operate way different than when you first started. You won’t find out what changes are necessary to scale until you put in the work every day. Day in, day out.
You’re really going to have to sell yourself. Build your network through social media and grab peoples attention. They must gravitate towards your services through the relationships your online business creates.
Remember when we talked about identifying your value?
Now is the time to demonstrate that value you identified earlier. The marketplace must see this from your online business.
Ask yourself, how can I connect with my audience? How can I excite my online followers so that they give my services or products a chance? How can I attract them to my website?
You will find yourself learning a variety of strategies to earn revenue. Don’t feel discouraged if things are moving slowly. Find out what works for you and keep on keeping on.
Keep pitching until you make your first sale or learn how to monetize your online business. One of the most fulfilling moments is when someone finds the value in your product or service and pays you for it; so be consistent.
#6. Advertise Your Online Business
Advertising is a great way for people to see your business whether it be online or in person. This is one of those other investments that you’ll eventually come across when looking for ways to grow your online business.
You may advertise by paying for Facebook Ads or running Google Ads. A thriving business should always be looking for ways to be seen.
Advertising provides you with an edge over any competition.
Another form of advertising is through the use of decorated apparel.
Companies like Easy Marketing elevate your brand by decorating your logo on hats, shirts, jackets, and all sort of other apparel. You can use this marketing strategy to market to your customers online.
What’s are the benefits of advertising my business?
Imagine going out to a crowded or public place wearing your business logo on a simple cap or shirt. It’s that easy. How about creating a video that generates a ton of views every month? If you’re wearing promotional apparel in your video, your brand awareness is sure to spike.
Exposure is the key to a growing a successful online business.
#7. Get Involved in a Community
Establish an authority in your niche topic or industry by getting involved with an online community.
When you become an authority, or leader in your niche, you will be able to scale your business much quicker. Being part of a community is going to attract both customers and viewers to your website.
I used to see this tip everywhere before my blog blew up. I didn’t understand or know how to get involved in a community though. What happened is that I eventually become involved in a sub community that needed my support and guidance. When I provided value to this niche community, my traffic skyrocketed and I was able to scale my blog.
Believe me, you need to find a community you can provide value to.
#8. Register Your Company
Now, most online businesses are just a side hustle. If your online business is expanding rapidly or you’re really looking at the long term goal, you might want to consider registering it through your state; especially if you’re operating full-time and have some sort of tangible items ex: packaging, boxes, etc.
Incorporate for tax benefits and for maximum profits. By registering your online business, you make a bold statement of legitimacy and are able to legally register yourself as a business owner.
Again, this is not total necessary though. You can have a thriving online business without registering it through your state and county.
Never stop setting goals for your startup
Starting and online business is a lot of fun, and believe me it’s a lot of work. I can personally say starting my online businesses have been the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
They’ve taught me what it is to really stick to something when most people would have quit. It really does teach us a lot about ourselves as entrepreneurs.
If you enjoyed this post please be sure to join our newsletter to stay up-to-date on new posts. Keep working towards your dreams and aspirations and remember, never stop setting goals for your online business.
Google AdSense is one of the most sought out programs to monetize your website. Its simple ad layout makes it an attractive choice for content creators. Lets break down how you can get approved for Google AdSense and start earning money from your content.
Why Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is super popular because they have the highest paying advertisers.
If you’re looking to monetize your blog then you’re naturally going to want to utilize the best means of producing income through your blog.
Can Anyone Advertise with Google AdSense?
Yes. If your blog or website meet the Google AdSense team’s requirements you will become eligible to start displaying ads such as the ones on this page!
Here are things your blog or website should have in order to get approved by Google AdSense:
Your Niche Should Stand Out
Before you begin to submit to Google AdSense, be sure your website is clear on what it’s about. Your niche should be easy to identify as Google’s team will thoroughly review it and assess the type of category you pertain to.
Avoid branching off into several topics that don’t relate to your niche. Google AdSense will not monetize your blog unless it is categorized properly.
Choose relatable images and accents to demonstrate what kind of blog you’re running visually.
Amazing Website Layout
The layout of your website is very important. It must be easy to navigate and look professional.
Yellow background and blue text by all means is not an attractive web page. Be sure your website is simple, creative, and easy to use.
We recommend using a web hosting service company like Bluehost where all the tools you need to succeed will become available to you.
Bluehost is optimized for WordPress therefore your content will never come short of looking presentable. The website layouts are also incredible and easy to work with.
If you’re working towards getting your blog monetized by Google AdSense, you’ll need to use a professional webhost provider. And yes, a professional website costs money. This will be your first investment in your blog.
Trust me, it’s worth it.
Privacy Policy Page
A privacy policyis basically a statement that discloses the ways a party gathers, uses, and manages a customer’s or clients data. Your website must contain this information for legal circumstances.
You can find examples online in order to create a page detailing this legal statement on your website. Fortunately, Bluehost creates one for you. You’ll just have to do minor edits and publish it on your website.
If your website has been rejected by Google AdSense, perhaps you’ve come across the AdSense team advising your blog has no privacy policy page. This is essential to monetize your website.
You must put out quality content with tons of value for your readers. Be genuine and think about your audience’s needs first.
The passion behind sharing valuable information to the world is so fulfilling as a content creator. Stay passionate and also get rewarded for it.
It is very important for your content to be original and genuine. If your website is plagiarized or shows little to no effort then it will not be approved for monetization.
Above all, have fun with it and speak directly to your audience!
Here are some ways you can ensure your blog is producing quality content:
Check your spelling and grammar
Include high quality images
Use a reputable webhost provider
Provide your readers with an easy -to-navigate layout
Use a theme that fits your niche
Lack of quality should be the last thing Google AdSense should be rejecting your blog for. Our suggestion would be to not cut corners.
If your website does not have enough content, Google AdSense will reject your submission. What makes it difficult to get approved is that not only must you create quality content, but you must also create enough content to get recognized by the AdSense team as a serious content creator.
With so much competition out there, you must stand out and demonstrate why you’re worthy to monetize your website. The key is to be consistent.
Don’t rush publishing posts for this reason.
You’re better off taking as much time as you need creating great and useful content. Rushing into the process will only set you back.
How Can I Maintain Consistency?
Draft ideas on a blank word document
Identify how many times you want to publish a post (e.g. weekly, twice a week, monthly, etc.)
Write down your blog goals to stay motivated
Draw inspiration from everything and everyone around you
Stay motivated. Most bloggers give up within the first to three months. Keep blogging, and keep reaching your blogging goals!
Website Page Views
Your website must be generating enough traffic for Google AdSense to recognize the value of your content. Advertisers will not place ads on a website with little to no traffic.
Be sure you’re sharing your posts all over your social platforms in order to increase your website views and begin to earn a following. Get as much exposure as possible.
You can publish great content and enough content; however, if you aren’t directing traffic to your blog, Google AdSense will not allow you to monetize your website.
You can increase your traffic by:
Promoting daily on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Growing your newsletter
Having supporters ‘share’ your content
Re-sharing to keep engagement and traction going
Consistently writing
Updating your SEO
Revising old posts
Get your posts featured on other blogs
Once your blog gets monetized by Google AdSense you’re going to want to continue taking these actions.
When your blog is running ads, you’ll want to increase your traffic as much as possible in order to make the most from advertisement income.
Your content must be fairly easy to read. Avoid improper use of grammar and spelling so be sure to always double check and proof read before publishing a new post. Google AdSense will not approve a website with even the slightest errors.
You can use a website like Word Counter to double check your writing before publishing a post to make sure everything looks great. It only takes a second to receive your results!
Contact & About Information
In order to present credibility, your website must contain a contact and about section. Include your email and social media outlets as well as a brief summary of yourself or your website.
Having a contact and about page shows you’re professional and are serious about your content. Readers want to know the person behind the blog so get creative with it!
Your contact info is a requirement to get your blog monetized by Google AdSense make sure you don’t miss it!
Be Consistent
Don’t give up if you get rejected by Google AdSense. You can always resubmit once you’ve fixed the errors detailed on your application.
Every rejection should push you to improve your website in order to reach your goal of monetizing your content. If you get approved instantly, amazing! Keep doing what you’re doing.
Google AdSense will often times advise which areas on your website you must continue to work on. Use these notices to your advantage. It may be easy to feel discouraged if you receive multiple emails from the AdSense team rejecting your application. Just know you’re one step closer to reaching your goal.
If you have any questions please feel free to comment below and I’ll be more than happy to reach out!