Ken Griffin Thanks Redditors for ‘Meme Stocks’

"Redditors, thank you so much for helping create the best pipeline we've ever had", said Ken Griffin. Here's the latest market news.

5 thoughts on “Ken Griffin Thanks Redditors for ‘Meme Stocks’

  1. I dont know why you posted this one as a question, Frank. It seems 100% clear Ken Griffin will do or say anything at any time, with no regard or thought as to how people may react or feel. It makes me sad to be an American when I see such behavior from my countrymen. This isnt what America is supposed to stand for. I’ve always loved my country, but we cannot condone his actions or those of any person/entity that purposely break and bend rules to their favor, while hurting the economy and millions if not billions of people worldwide. And Ken- even if I could believe you’re going to give your money away, which I absolutely do not, that doesnt make up for years of systematic abuse of the very country and people you claim to support. In short, your mother would be ashamed of you. Tsk, tsk!

  2. It is the same kind of arrogance that people who are losing on their own game have, lost and nothing left but trying to demean others. Nothing will deter retail investors from cornering short sellers and proving that their point is more than just a “conspiracy theory”

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