Ken Griffin Now Makes Surprising Claims Confirming Illegal Manipulation

Ken Griffin now makes surprising claims confirming the illegal manipulation that retail investors have been raising awareness about.

4 thoughts on “Ken Griffin Now Makes Surprising Claims Confirming Illegal Manipulation

  1. I spent 2.5 hours watching Scott Allen’s latest video released today (12/16) and it amazes me how extensively he bashes all these people (e.g. Al from Boston, Donnahue George, and many others) to conclude that none of these people know what they are talking about, purporting their is no reason why we would even expect a return of AMC to pre-pandemic prices much less expect a short squeeze which he claims there is no evidence of naked shorting. He claims this is merely an occultic frenzy to scheme people & make money off the retail investors and leave them further holding the bag! So tell me Uncle Frank, why would 1 person make such a blanket bash against the Meme Stock Revolution unless they, too, were a paid shill or had a vested short-interest in AMC & GME to protect?

  2. I think, sadly, that this is all lip service. Nothing will be done in the SEC or Congress, and it is disgusting. The corruption here is just too old, and too deep. The only hope lays in pending lawsuits such as waged by Northwest Biotherapeutics against Citadel – wherein if a non-corrupt judge exists (or a chain of them through the appeals process) – severe damages may be levied against these crooks.

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