7 thoughts on “AMC Stock: Handling Buying At A High Price + Losses

  1. As always another great, and easy to understand article. My 126 shares will do me well. May even grab another 21!! Thank you for these articles.

  2. Hi Frank, the title of your email article is “I am selling my AMC stock”, but the article looks like you’re still holding. Was that an error in the title? If so, please resend a new email stating “I am NOT selling my AMC stock”.

    1. It’s actually a puzzle brother. On Twitter I said my minimum requirement to sell is ALL APES must be profitable FIRST. On the email I reworded it as “I am selling my AMC stock”.. then the body said “When every ape is profitable FIRST”.

  3. Great article as usual, getting right at the heart of what many apes feel, either bored by the HF’s war by attrition (which by now they know they won’t win) or feeling like the amount of time that has passed means that they have more time, money, and power to figure this out while we twist in the wind (BS IMO). Quick question:
    1. The 4 million Apes, where did you get that number?
    2. Do you think dark pools will eventually get banned in the US?

    Thanks Again! Hail Caesar!

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