Tag: Naked Shorting (Page 2 of 4)

AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs

Market News Daily: AMC Demands FINRA and NYSE Look into Stock.
Market News Daily: AMC Demands FINRA and NYSE Look into Stock.

AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC) CEO announced that the company has contacted both FINRA and the NYSE to look closely at the trading of their stock.

“Many of you, and we, are aware that AMC Entertainment has been on ‘The Threshold List‘ for 3+ weeks, indicating a number of FTDs.

Some of you may be pleased to learn that we have contacted both FINRA and the NYSE asking that they both look closely at the trading of our stock.”

AMC failure-to-delivers (FTDs) have been begun to rise again.

FTDs topped 6.8 million in February (non-cumulative), amounting to more than $36 million in failed to close orders.

The data is still being reported which means there’s a possibility we may see higher FTDs once February’s entire month has been processed.

AMC Entertainment demands FINRA and NYSE to look into FTDs.
AMC Entertainment demands FINRA and NYSE to look into FTDs.

Now AMC’s CEO Adam Aron is demanding FINRA and the NYSE to look into the company’s alarming FTDs.

FTDs, or Failure-to-deliver occurs when one party in a trading contract (whether it’s shares, futures, or options) fails to deliver on their obligations.

These failures derive due to buyers not having enough money to take delivery and pay for the transaction at settlement.

In the case of sellers, it means not having the goods to meet that transaction.

Failure-to-delivers can occur in options trading or when selling short naked, per Investopedia.

According to Investopedia, AMC failure-to-delivers can also occur if there is a technical problem in the settlement process carried out by the respective parties (clearing houses).

Investors say there’s a major conflict of interest when Citadel Clearing LLC processes retail orders worldwide.

Adam Aron Demands FINRA and NYSE Look into AMC Stock

AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs
Market News Daily: AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs.

Ever since the Genius Group (GNS) CEO Roger Hamilton publicly began calling out short sellers and #NakedShorts, AMC shareholders have been hoping for Adam Aron to also join the fight.

While Adam Aron may be binded to what he can and cannot say, this is the closes we’ve see the CEO to join shareholders in an activist role.

The CEO has been criticized for not speaking out on market injustices, even after skyrocketing reports of FTDs in the company stock.

And although the CEO has said in the past he has never seen any signs of ‘synthetic shares’ floating around, today’s news requesting FINRA and the NYSE to look into the company stock is a massive win for activist investors.

There is no longer denial, now there is acceptance of an important part of market structure that must be thoroughly investigated by our regulators.

But I’m curious to know how you feel about this investigation.

Do you think this will lead Adam Aron to dive into the rabbit hole?

Do you applaud the CEO for taking this unexpected approach?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section down below.

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Market News Today - AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs
Market News Today – AMC Demands FINRA to Look at Skyrocketing FTDs.

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GNS CEO Shares Petition to End Naked Shorting

Naked Shorting Petition
Market News: GNS CEO shares naked shorting petition.

Genius Group (NYSEAMERICAN:GNS) CEO shared a petition to end naked shorting on Twitter.

$GNS CEO Roger Hamilton is leading a movement created by retail investors to fight naked short selling.

The CEO said on Twitter that other CEOs $NWBO, $GTII, $MICT, $COSM, $CRTD, $MMTLP, $TRCH, are taking legal action with Wes Christian, a lawyer who has been investigating stock manipulation since 2000.

Earlier this month, Global Tech Industries Group (OTCMKTS:GTII) took legal action against naked shorts.

“They’re predators. They’re doing something illegal, and we want it to stop”, says GNS CEO Roger Hamilton.

The CEO shared a petition from Change.org on Tuesday to stop illegal naked shorting.

More than 1,800 individuals have signed the petition.

Taking on Wall Street giants is going to take more than just a petition, but raising awareness is how change starts.

GNS: The Fight Against Naked Shorting

Market News: GNS CEO shares petition to end naked shorting.
Market News: GNS CEO shares petition to end naked shorting.

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Genius Group Limited, a leading entrepreneur edtech and education group, approved at a meeting of the Board held on Wednesday 18th January 2023, an action plan to address illegal short selling of its stock.

This action plan includes creating a Board-led ‘Illegal Trading Task Force’ to actively pursue all possible actions together with the regulators in their discovery and prosecution of persons engaging in market manipulation involving the ordinary shares of Genius Group.

This Task Force will be led by Timothy Murphy, a Genius Group Director and former Deputy Director of the F.B.I., Richard Berman, also a Genius Group Director and chair of the Company’s Audit Committee, and Roger Hamilton, the CEO of Genius Group.

The Company has been in communication with government regulatory authorities and is sharing information with these authorities to assist them.

“It’s like being robbed in a library, but you can’t shout ‘Thief!’ because there are ‘Silence, please’ signs everywhere.” – Roger Hamilton, CEO of Genius Group Limited.

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These 3 Signs Point Towards Naked Shorting in MULN

Naked Shorting MULN Stock
Market News Today: These signs point towards naked shorting in MULN stock.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ:MULN) stock has plummeted after rising earlier this year.

The stock fell to $0.21 on Monday and is currently down -32% this year-to-date after having surged to $0.44 in January and again in February.

MULN stock was given a price prediction of $24.15 earlier this year, up more than +7,000% from the then price of $0.32.

7 analysts from CNN Money said Mullen Automotive was a strong a buy yet the stock has fallen 34% in the past month alone.

Shareholders believe MULN has become a victim to naked short selling.

What is naked short selling?

Naked shorting is the illegal practice of short selling shares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist, per Investopedia.

The predatorial practice allows short sellers to short a stock without there actually being any stock available to short.

The SEC approved the use of naked short selling on IPOs in 2015 although it was deemed an illegal practice in 2010.

In this article we’re going over 3 big signs that point towards naked shorting in MULN.

Be sure to share this article with the community to raise awareness.

#1. Call Options Overweigh Number of Puts

The number of call options on Mullen Automotive continue to outweigh the number of put options.

Although volume has dropped recently, call options are still leading the derivatives market.

MULN call options vs put options – Franknez.com.

Even when MULN stock had hundreds of thousands of call option orders, the stock price was being suppressed despite very little put option volume.

Usually when the demand of a stock isn’t reflecting intraday, we can conclude that either heavy dark pool trading or naked shorting is taking place.

This is a big problem we’ve seen with other stocks such as AMC Entertainment for example.

Mullen Automotive stock has patterns that suggest suppression may be keeping share prices from rising.

#2. MULN Stock FTDs

Another clear indication of naked shorting in a company can be traced back to the number of FTDs out in the market.

FTDs, or Failure-to-deliver occurs when one party in a trading contract (whether it’s shares, futures, or options) fails to deliver on their obligations.

These failures derive due to buyers not having enough money to take delivery and pay for the transaction at settlement.

In the case of sellers, it means not having the goods to meet that transaction.

Failure-to-deliver can occur in options trading or when selling short naked, per Investopedia.

By the end of January, Mullen Automotive had more than 15 million FTDs amounting to more than $5 million, per Stocksera.

MULN stock FTDs
MULN naked shorting – MULN naked short selling – FTDs via Stocksera.

Naked shorting could be occurring in both shares and options contracts.

#3. Short Ladder Attacks

Shor ladder attacks are a way of trading back and forth between parties with the mission to drive shares lower.

It’s a loophole that isn’t necessarily deemed illegal but could be combined with the illegal tactic of ‘spoofing’.

Spoofing occurs when orders flood the market to change the direction of a stock but get cancelled right before they execute.

Signs pointing to naked shorting in MULN stock.

This form of naked shorting influences the market through the use of fake shares or ‘fake orders’ that don’t necessarily exist.

A perfect example of a short ladder attack can be seen in the image above where price chops upwards but ultimately drops lower and lower like a ‘ladder’.

This is manipulation of the stock from rising.

Related: Investors Say CEOs Should Fight Naked Short Selling Like GNS

Do You Think Naked Shorting in MULN is Happening?

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Market News Today: These signs point towards naked shorting in MULN stock | Mullen Naked Shorting.

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The SEC Green-Lighted Naked Shorting of IPOs in 2015

SEC Naked Shorting
Market News Today: The SEC green-lighted naked shorting in 2015.

Forbes published a piece surrounding Uber’s ‘troubled’ IPO stating that the SEC green-lighted naked shorting of IPOs in 2015.

“A curious thing happened during Uber’s troubled initial public offering last week: naked short selling of UBER shares by the banks involved in placing Uber’s IPO, according to several sources who confirmed this to CNBC.

Normally, naked short selling is illegal.

But it was legal in this case, and it gave the banks a chance to profit–as investors lost money–when the IPO traded down 18% in its first two days.

Naked-shorting of IPOs by banks, which the SEC green-lighted as recently as 2015, has changed IPO market dynamics by altering the relative power between banks, issuers and investors. 

To the detriment of investors, banks now have less fear of incurring major losses from pricing an IPO too high because banks now have a tool (naked shorting) to protect their downside risk.”

Forbes said that thanks to the SEC’s explicit statement allowing naked shorting during IPOs, banks have a chance to win regardless of what the IPO is priced at, a fear they had prior to getting the green light on naked shorting.

In a space call with Genius Group ($GNS) CEO Roger Hamilton, a user had stepped up to question the proof of naked shorting discussed about in sort of media or case.

As you can imagine, speakers on the panel were quick to give the user the information they lacked to research in the first place.

But it’s there, and this is just one case on the proof of naked shorting in the market.

GNS Shares Plummet After IPO

2023 GNS #NakedShortsWar.
2023 GNS #NakedShortsWar.

Genius Group CEO Roger Hamilton said he suspected naked shorting was happening in his company stock after shares had gradually plunged after their IPO date.

Roger Hamilton has been leading the fight against naked shorts by not only raising awareness on social media but also by taking legal action.

The company just launched phase 2 of their legal battle against naked short selling.

One of the topics discussed in the space call with Roger was of dual listing using the blockchain.

My thoughts on the blockchain are that it provided accountability and less stress on investors when dealing with manipulative shorting tactics.

It’s still a very new innovation, especially when discussing a tradable blockchain exchange.

A great effort to fight naked shorting nonetheless.

“Naked shorting is impossible to do when securities are issued natively on a blockchain. Had Uber’s shares been issued on a blockchain rather than through legacy systems, banks simply would not have been able to issue more UBER shares than the quantity of shares outstanding. The price-suppressive impact of the naked shorting–however large or small it was in the Uber case–simply could not have happened,” said Forbes.

Related: Citadel Said in 2004 Payment for Order Flow Creates Conflicts and Should Be Banned

A History on Naked Short Selling

What is naked shorting?

Naked short selling, or naked shorting, is the practice of short-selling a tradable asset of any kind without first borrowing the asset from someone else or ensuring that it can be borrowed.

Naked shorting was enabled legally by UCC Article 8 in 1994, owing to a combination of two features: (1) indirect ownership of publicly-traded securities and (2) a special exemption that obviates the normal requirement that the seller prove in advance that it actually owns the property it is selling to a buyer.

“What we actually own is an IOU from our broker-dealer–a contractual right to the shares instead of the real thing. Your broker, in certain circumstances, has the right to conjure and sell you IOUs to more shares than actually exist,” says Forbes.

The US legal system made a policy decision to favor liquidity over solvency–to favor negotiability of securities over keeping accurate and timely records of who really owns what.

Patrick Byrne brought naked shorting to the attention of regulators but was ridiculed and eventually paid off with a winning settlement to lay low.

After the events of the ‘meme stock’ frenzy in 2021, retail investors came together and scrutinized the SEC, DTCC, and FINRA for allowing blatant market manipulation to occur.

Retail investors were momentarily prohibited from trading shares of AMC and GameStop due to liquidity concerns within several market makers and brokers including Citadel and Robinhood.

The DTCC waived billions of dollars in collateral to reset the game for the big players, cheating retail investors out of their money.

“The problem is that “overissue” of securities suppresses market prices. This is one of many subtle ways that value is skimmed from Mom and Pop investors in securities markets.” – Forbes.

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Market News Today: The SEC green-lighted naked shorting in 2015.
Market News Today: The SEC green-lighted naked shorting in 2015.

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GTII Pursues Legal Action Against Naked Shorts

Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities.
Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities.

Global Tech Industries Group, Inc. (OTCMKTS:GTII) is taking legal action against naked shorts.

The Nevada corporation announced on Monday that its board of directors has authorized management to move forward with appropriate legal action in connection with what it believes to be illegal trading activity in the Company’s shares.

As the Company previously disclosed, it has retained the legal teams of Christian Levine Law Group, LLC, (“Levine”) and Warshaw Burstein, LLP, (“Warshaw”), both of whom have specific expertise in stock fraud litigation, to handle the legal actions for the Company.

The legal actions may be directed at broker-dealers, market makers and other relevant parties the Company believes have been engaged in illegal trading activities that have resulted in a significant number of unsettled trades involving the Company’s shares.

In particular, it appears that certain market makers have failed to post regular or continuous proprietary quotations that are at or near the market on both sides and that are communicated and represented such that they are widely accessible to investors and other broker-dealers.

When market makers fail to meet this requirement, as well as other applicable requirements, it can bring into question whether they are engaging in “bona fide market making” and can avail themselves to any “locate” exemptions afforded to bona fide market makers when executing short sales, per Global Newswire.

GTII Naked Short Selling: What’s Happening?

Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities.
Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities. GTII Stocktwits.

Global Tech’s press release published the following statement:

“It appears that certain market makers have failed to post regular or continuous proprietary quotations that are at or near the market on both sides and that are communicated and represented such that they are widely accessible to investors and other broker-dealers.

When market makers fail to meet this requirement, as well as other applicable requirements, it can bring into question whether they are engaging in “bona fide market making” and can avail themselves to any “locate” exemptions afforded to bona fide market makers when executing short sales.

Further, in a recent administrative proceeding between Alpine Securities Corporation (“Alpine”) and the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) before the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, it was disclosed that the NSCC imposed a “Backtesting Charge” against Alpine (which action was contested by Alpine) due to deficiencies in Alpine’s “Required Fund Deposit” with NSCC “. . . that were attributed to net short portfolios in several stocks, with the ‘top driver being a concentrated short position in GTII’”, which is, obviously, a cause of concern for the Company..”

Roger Hamilton (GNS CEO) on Naked Shorting

The legal action comes after Genius Group CEO Roger Hamilton urged CEOs to fight against naked shorts, the illegal practice of shorting stock without owning or having to return the shares back to a lender.

GTTI: Roger Hamilton on Naked Shorts and Wall Street Fraud. GTII Stock News.

“They’re predators. They’re doing something illegal, and we want it to stop”, says GNS CEO Roger Hamilton.

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Genius Group Limited (NYSE American: GNS), a leading entrepreneur edtech and education group, approved at a meeting of the Board held on Wednesday 18th January 2023, an action plan to address illegal short selling of its stock.

This action plan includes creating a Board-led ‘Illegal Trading Task Force’ to actively pursue all possible actions together with the regulators in their discovery and prosecution of persons engaging in market manipulation involving the ordinary shares of Genius Group.

This Task Force will be led by Timothy Murphy, a Genius Group Director and former Deputy Director of the F.B.I., Richard Berman, also a Genius Group Director and chair of the Company’s Audit Committee, and Roger Hamilton, the CEO of Genius Group.

AMC, GME, Spark Major Interest in Market Manipulation

Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities.
Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities. GTII Stock News.

The AMC and GME communities initiated the controversial topic of naked short selling in the market during the events of the ‘meme stock’ frenzy.

Years of activism have triggered the momentum we’re seeing today in the retail community.

However, AMC and GME CEOs have stayed out of the fight against naked shorts.

AMC CEO Adam Aron has said in the past that they have not seen any ‘evidence’ of so-called synthetic shares.

Millions of retail investors holding the movie theatre stock have first-hand experienced the market manipulation, so this came off as rather appalling to most.

With GTII taking action against naked shorts, it makes you wonder; how many more companies will step up?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

Leave a comment down below.

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Market News Today: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities.
Global Tech Naked Shorts News: GTII, Global Tech Industries Group pursues legal action against illegal short selling activities. GTII Stock News.

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