GNS CEO Shares Petition to End Naked Shorting

Naked Shorting Petition
Market News: GNS CEO shares naked shorting petition.

Genius Group (NYSEAMERICAN:GNS) CEO shared a petition to end naked shorting on Twitter.

$GNS CEO Roger Hamilton is leading a movement created by retail investors to fight naked short selling.

The CEO said on Twitter that other CEOs $NWBO, $GTII, $MICT, $COSM, $CRTD, $MMTLP, $TRCH, are taking legal action with Wes Christian, a lawyer who has been investigating stock manipulation since 2000.

Earlier this month, Global Tech Industries Group (OTCMKTS:GTII) took legal action against naked shorts.

“They’re predators. They’re doing something illegal, and we want it to stop”, says GNS CEO Roger Hamilton.

The CEO shared a petition from Change.org on Tuesday to stop illegal naked shorting.

More than 1,800 individuals have signed the petition.

Taking on Wall Street giants is going to take more than just a petition, but raising awareness is how change starts.

GNS: The Fight Against Naked Shorting

Market News: GNS CEO shares petition to end naked shorting.
Market News: GNS CEO shares petition to end naked shorting.

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Genius Group Limited, a leading entrepreneur edtech and education group, approved at a meeting of the Board held on Wednesday 18th January 2023, an action plan to address illegal short selling of its stock.

This action plan includes creating a Board-led ‘Illegal Trading Task Force’ to actively pursue all possible actions together with the regulators in their discovery and prosecution of persons engaging in market manipulation involving the ordinary shares of Genius Group.

This Task Force will be led by Timothy Murphy, a Genius Group Director and former Deputy Director of the F.B.I., Richard Berman, also a Genius Group Director and chair of the Company’s Audit Committee, and Roger Hamilton, the CEO of Genius Group.

The Company has been in communication with government regulatory authorities and is sharing information with these authorities to assist them.

“It’s like being robbed in a library, but you can’t shout ‘Thief!’ because there are ‘Silence, please’ signs everywhere.” – Roger Hamilton, CEO of Genius Group Limited.

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COSM Short Squeeze: Latest News and Short Interest Update

COSM Short Squeeze News
Market News: COSM Short Squeeze News + More.

Cosmos Health Inc. (COSM) stock closed the trading day on Tuesday at $4.40.

Liquidity in the security fell massively from its average trading volume of 60 million.

COSM stock fell more than -31% on Tuesday alone and is currently down -95.31% this year-to-date.

Our current bear market has dragged several companies down and Cosmos Health Inc. is no exception.

Just two weeks ago the stock surged from $0.30 to more than $23.

The stock has come down drastically since, but shareholders say the stock is not done moving.

There seems to be growing ambitions of creating a short squeeze here due to the extremely high short interest.

Here’s the latest COSM stock news and updates.

COSM Short Interest Today: Will COSM Squeeze?

COSM Short Interest Today

Fintel is reporting COSM’s short interest today at a whopping 61.34%, data per FINRA.

Just weeks ago, COSM stock had a short interest of 321.74%.

The massive surge from $0.30 to $23 and drop in short interest suggests there are shorts who have closed their positions.

But like AMC Entertainment stock, (when it first surged to $22) there is a lot of short interest remaining.

AMC’s share price had cooled following the events of the first price surge in late January of 2021.

Five months later, retail investors were able to squeeze more short sellers out of their positions, taking AMC from $14 per share to its current all-time high of $72 per share.

Will the same happen with Cosmos Health?

If there’s anything the current bear market has proved it’s that there is much that is uncertain.

However, due to COSM’s residual high short interest, the probability of a larger short squeeze is certainly there.

Related: How to Invest in The Stock Market for Beginners

What Triggers a Short Squeeze?

COSM Short Squeeze

Just as we saw with AMC Entertainment stock and GameStop, lots of buying volume is what triggers a short squeeze.

But investors beware, failing to take profits during massive runs could result in holding great losses.

We’ve seen this occur in many communities.

Lack of timely information has also proven to be detrimental to late buyers.

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