December 8, 2024

JPMorgan Holds Bigger Short Positions Than Its Total Assets

Dr. Stephen Leeb, one of the world’s top money managers, says that JPMorgan’s gold short positions likely exceed the bank’s total assets.

4 thoughts on “JPMorgan Holds Bigger Short Positions Than Its Total Assets

  1. nothing strange here. the “best” way to make money is thru manipulation obviously since the near-billion dollar previous fine did not deter the practice. make 10s of billions, pay less than 1bill back!
    they never learn then want a bailout when things go south! if this pans out wrong way and their overleveraged position catches them. LET THEM FAIL! THEY ARE DOING UNFAIR ILLEGAL OR BORDERLINE ILLEGAL PRACTICES AND DO YOU THINK IT WILL STOP IF THEY GET AWAY WITH IT ?

  2. No wonder banks are collapsing. Ban short stocks and fire the CEO!

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