Cineworld Stock Trades Above Movie Industry Leader AMC

4 thoughts on “Cineworld Stock Trades Above Movie Industry Leader AMC

  1. I wonder if trading was halted for Ciné World? The system is not choking Ciné World like AMC is.

  2. Good competition can be good for the overall industry. They should create challenges for movie turnout with a prize. Both theater chains would rock the profits.
    I also agree apes need to pull together put some buying pressure on. Everyone’s buying but not at the same time. Maybe we need a tree with branches full of ape groups that buy on their branch day. Is it legal to do group trades…

    1. Unless I’m mistaken, this certainly us bearish. All they are doing is kicking the can down the road. They need millions of retail investors to save their bacon, and I dint know if that’s in the tarot cards. But, I’ll be the first to wish them a recovery. I dint mind if another theatre chain survives abd eventually thru es again. But I’ll stay with $AMC. I’m familiar with the sentiment. The crowds. The passion of the Apes.

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