Tag: financial freedom

5 Powerful Strategies To Begin Growing Your Net Worth

How to grow your net worth.
How to grow your net worth.

What is net worth? Your net worth is the financial value you have after deducting all your liabilities from your assets. Think of your net worth as the vitality to your personal finances.

An over-simplified example would be:

You have $10,000 in savings but owe $2,000 on your car loan and $5,000 in student loans. Your net worth is then $3,000.

Or, you have $10,000 in savings but just financed a brand new vehicle for $35,000 so your net worth is -$25,000. In this scenario you owe instead of own.

Building your net worth can be a challenging yet fun experience during your financial growth.

how to grow your net worth

Welcome to Franknez.com – the blog where you can digest content on personal finance, side hustle ideas, entrepreneurship, and trending investing topics.

Lets get started!

So, what are some strategies I can use to grow my net worth?

I’m going to walk you through 5 ways I’m personally growing my own net worth.

Anyone can use these very simple strategies to have money multiplying for them.

Also Read: I Made A Whopping $65K Online Without Showing My Face

1. Open a high-yielding savings account

What better way to grow your net worth passively than by having a bank consistently pay you a percentage per month for holding your money.

This is exactly what high-yield savings and money market accounts do. I’ve personally seen accounts generating $20 per month in passive income to a little over $200 per month.

This type of account is a better alternative to your traditional savings account from Wells Fargo or Bank of America.

How does this work?

One thing you have to understand is that banks are always moving money. They are always investing money which is why they’re so powerful.

The instance you deposit any money into your bank account, they’re already investing it. Huge commercial banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America will typically only pay you a penny per year for banking with them.

Ever notice that $0.01 or $0.02 randomly deposited into your savings account? Yup, that’s what you earned for banking with them.

High yielding savings accounts simply pay you a higher percentage for banking with them.

How safe are these bank accounts?

Most of these banks are FDIC insured and can insure up to $250,000. Just like Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo.

What banks offer high-yield savings accounts?

It is important to note that APY rates do change depending on the circumstances of our economy. They were higher previously to the pandemic and have gone down during the pandemic.

This is completely normal though and should not stop you from generating passive income to increase your net worth.

You can calculate an actual interest earned on an investment using this APY calculator.

Here’s are two banks that offer high-yielding savings and money market accounts:

*Rates are applicable to change

While CitBank and AMEX offer competitive rates, exploring offerings from other banks like Western Alliance bank interest rates can provide surprisingly high returns on your savings.

Given the dynamic nature of APY rates in our economy, it’s wise to consider all available options for maximizing your net worth growth.

Now, although these aren’t very high at the moment, you certainly get a better APY than with a traditional account.

Before the pandemic, my high yield savings account had an APY of 2.05%. I didn’t include BMO Harris on the list because the account now earns less than the others on the list above.

There are more banks I didn’t include simply because they’re around 0.20% and I want to provide you with the highest return possible at the moment.

How can I get the best out of my high-yield savings account?

  1. Use it for your emergency fund and watch it grow
  2. Deposit money every month to accumulate compound interest
  3. Don’t withdraw unless it’s for an absolute emergency

A high yield savings account is not going to make you rich. I personally think the best way to utilize this account is by putting money in it you don’t intend on using unless it’s for a priority emergency.

This strategy allows your emergency fund to grow a little passively without collecting dust in a traditional bank account.

Can I withdraw money from a high-yield savings account?

Yes. However, this is usually done through an ACH transfer which can take up to 3 days to see the balance reflect in your personal bank account.

For this reason I suggest funding both your high yield savings account as well as you personal savings account. Always have liquid funds available.

Your personal savings account should have enough money to take care of something quick and unexpected. Dave Ramsey recommends $1,000 if you’re still paying off debt in efforts to continue paying off debt. I prefer more, but everyone’s situation will vary.

Now that you have your money bringing back more dollars every month, I’m going to discuss a little more about purchasing assets to further grow your net worth.

2. Purchase stocks

Purchasing stocks has never been easier with all the online platforms now available to you. The stock marketing on average provides a 8% return during a period of 10 years.

To put things into perspective, I earned a whopping 40% return of investment my first year investing in the stock market.

What are stocks?

Stocks are assets in companies you can invest in through the purchase of shares. Shares are fractions of a business that you can own through the purchase of said stocks.

For example: If you wanted to invest in Apple, you would invest in the (AAPL) stock and purchase ten, fifty, or one hundred shares of the company.

What are the risks of stock investments?

Most people instantly think risk when they hear the words ‘stock market’. The truth is the only risk is not taking the risk. In my honest opinion, not investing and having your hard earned money collect dust is the real risk.

Your mindset needs to change so you think ‘abundance’ when you think of the stock market.

“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”

Warren Buffett


What scares most early investors is when they see their first investments take a dive. They spend $50 on a share and a week later it’s worth $44, then they sell the share and lose $6. This is the game plan you want to avoid. Stock investment for the most part should be a long term play.

In this scenario, the strategic thing to do would be to purchase a second share at $44 at a discount and hold it until their worth increases over time. By the time the share is worth $55 your first share would have gained a return of $5 and your second share would have gained a return of $11.

This ladies and gentlemen is how a total investment of $99 can earn you $16 without having to work and give your time to someone else for it. By purchasing assets, you’re able to further grow your net worth.

I recommend you only invest in companies you believe are great companies and have room for plenty of potential growth. These are the companies that are always striving to get better. And when they do, your investments will grow alongside with that company.

How can I invest in the stock market?

You can invest in the stock market through online platforms such as Vanguard, Fidelity, E*Trade, Ameritrade, and Merrill.

Once you create an account with one of these platforms you’ll be able to connect your bank and begin funding your brokerage account so you can purchase stocks.

Bookmark: How To Invest In The Stock Market (Step by Step) For Beginners

3. Diversify your income

Most wealth builders have increased their net worth by diversifying their income. Multiple streams of income is what has allowed the wealthy to stay highly successful.

Having more than one stream of income allows you to pivot should one stream lose momentum. During the pandemic millions of people lost their only source of income. Those with multiple streams of income were able to pivot and thrive.

However, when all your streams of income are doing extremely well then you will be doing extremely well.

What are some ways I can diversify my income?

This is the fun part because diversifying your income varies from person to person. Ask yourself, what are you good at? What do you enjoy doing?

You may be working a 9-5 but enjoy making music. Distribute your music online and get paid for every stream. Perhaps you really enjoy driving, take on a ride sharing or food delivery service.

You can find several ways to make money using my side hustles tab where I provide my readers with creative ideas to increase their income.

One thing I will always recommend is building a scalable online business. This can be a blog, YouTube channel, or other streaming service.

The more income you’re able to generate means the more resource you will have at your disposal to begin growing your net worth.

4. Become debt free

What better way than to liberate all your income sources by becoming debt free.

When you’re debt free you can really tackle savings and investments to grow your net worth. Yes you can have debt and still have a positive net worth; however, by becoming debt free you can maximize your investment capabilities.

Freeing up your income capabilities will provide you with the best investing results. This is primarily because when an opportunity comes, you’ll be ready. You will not lack the means to invest like you mean it.

If you have debt, focus on building a small emergency fund then paying off your debt so you may continue to grow your net worth.

Hacks to avoid getting in debt:

  • In need of a vehicle? Purchase it cash.
  • Learn to generate money without a college degree.
  • Avoid payment options provided by store retailers.
  • Keep your credit card spending limit below 30%.

Debt has a lot to do with our spending habits. If most people cannot manage $1,000 then they won’t be able to mange $10,000 and so forth. Invest in your future self and eliminate debt. You will thank yourself later.

5. Live below your means

This last strategy on the list is very powerful. Very few people have the discipline to stay put as their income level increases.

Living below your means, just like becoming debt free can unlock your savings and investing capabilities.

To live below your means simply means your expenses do not exceed your level of income. In other words, you spend less than you earn.

Keeping your expenses low as you continue to increase your income is a guaranteed way you can grow your net worth even if you don’t invest. This is why this strategy is so powerful.


If you were making $80K a year and got hired somewhere else for $100k a year, keep living the same lifestyle at $80K while you use the additional $20K to build your net worth.

More than often, people will fall into income creep lifestyle where they get a raise and they upgrade just about everything. This is how even high earners have trouble getting off the never-ending cycle of debt and living paycheck to paycheck.

Don’t be average, continue to increase your net worth so that you can look out for your future self and and for your family.

A few last words from Frank Nez

Growing your net worth takes time, serious dedication, and work. There will be times where you’re doing great, being consistent and something happens where you have to take money out.

It’s normal, it’s life. Do not get discouraged when you face roadblocks that halt your growth. Instead, continue to set goals to grow your net worth and make it happen.

Follow these strategies and you’ll be on the path to long-term financial success.

FAQs on Net Worth

Can net worth go down?

Your net worth can be zero if your assets and liabilities break even. A net worth at zero is much better than having a negative net worth.

Can net worth be zero?

Your net worth can be zero if your assets, and liabilities break even. A net worth at zero is much better than having a negative net worth.

Can net worth be negative?

If your liabilities are greater than your assets then your net worth will be negative. This is most common amongst younger people enrolled in college.

Why is net worth important?

Net worth is important because it reflects the health of your financial situation. Whether you’re negative, break even, or have a positive net worth, it says a lot about how you manage your finances.

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Debt Sucks: Here’s How To Pay Off Thousands In Debt

Debt Sucks Here's How To Pay Off Thousands In Debt
Stress free view

Whether you’re in debt with credit cards, student loans, car notes, or house loans, we all have some form of debt.

The thought of paying off your debt might seem stressful at first but imagine what a debt free life could mean for you.

Debt keeps us from saving money, investing it, and reaching financial freedom.

So, what’s the best method to eliminate debt?

The Snowball Effect

Payoff Debt With The Snowball Effect

There are a few proven methods to paying off debt. We favor the snowball effect method due to its quick momentum and effective results.

This is how it works

You start by paying down your smallest accounts first while making minimum payments on the rest of them.

The approach is to eliminate your smallest debt aggressively. Once you’ve paid off your smallest account, rollover that payment onto your next account.

By the time you’re paying off your third account, the amount equivalent to your monthly payments from the first two will have a drastic effect moving forward on your outstanding balances.

Avoid This Mistake To Stay Debt Free

Avoid Income Creep to stay debt free
Don’t spend more as you earn more

In order for the snowball effect to build momentum, you must be consistent and not divert from rolling over once your first debt has been eliminated.

Most people will fill in the space with something else once they’ve paid off their car or credit cards for example.

This spending habit pulls you back to a never-ending cycle.

Remember, once you’re debt free all that disposable income is yours to enjoy. Save it, grow it by investing, and enjoy it!

Don’t let income creep lifestyle keep you from reaching your financial goals.

This is how people making six figures a year can be in financial ruin just as much as anyone making five figures.

Read: How To Set Financial Goals: 10 Simple Steps!

Generate More Income To Tackle Debt

Generate more income to tackle debt

Everyone has very different financial situations or worlds.

Create a world where you’re earning a little bit more than what you were in order to apply this additional income towards your debt.

Check out “These Are The Best Side Hustles For Millennials in 2020” to read about the best side hustles that can earn you additional income this year to make it happen.

Continuously work towards earning more income to pay off your debt more aggressively.

The sooner you payoff one debt, the sooner you can move on to the next while eliminating accruing interest.

Create A Budget

Create a budget to tackle debt

Use a loan calculator for your student loans to understand and save better on bigger payments, as well as finding areas you can budget for, such as junk food, streaming services, and other non-essentials.

You’d be surprised at how much you can save a week by meal prepping instead of eating out daily.

Write down your expenses and see where you can cut back. This strategy will help you not only develop a winner habit but play an important role in your journey to a debt free life.

Mint is a great app that breaks down your expenses and allows you to have an overview on all your account balances.

It Takes Discipline

The fact that you’re here shows your willingness to make this incredible change in your life.

Financial freedom is an amazing experience we all deserve a chance to.

Realistically, only by taking the necessary actions to see our goals through will we truly reach a debt free life.

It’s time to live in the moment and focus on the things that truly matter to us the most.

Be consistent, stay on top of your goal, you have the power to do this.

Read: 10 Successful Ways To Save Money During A Recession

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How To Reach Financial Stability At Any Age

How To Reach Financial Stability At Any Age
You Can Do It!

Financial stability is the 3rd level of wealth according to Dan Lok’s 6 levels of wealth pyramid. It is the level beyond financial dependency (level 1) and financial survival (level 2 ). Financial stability bears a financial stress-free lifestyle but requires definite discipline and planning. If you’d like to find out more about Dan Lok’s 6 levels of wealth be sure to check out the video below. Here’s how to reach financial stability at any age.


What Does It Mean To Be Financially Stable?

What is financial stability? Financial stability is the level of wealth when you no longer depend on someone financially, and have essentially stopped going paycheck to paycheck. Financial stability requires that:

  • Your income is greater than your expenses
  • You have anywhere from 4-6 months of monthly living expenses saved up
  • You have no bad debt (high credit card debt, bad investments, etc.)

There is no set income number to reaching financial stability and you can reach it at any age. It does not matter how you make this money or how much you make, but how you manage your money.

E.g.: A person earning six figures a year cannot be financially stable if they are living paycheck to paycheck with no money set aside for an emergency. A person earning significantly less can be wealthier by simply having the discipline to manage their personal finances responsibly.

So How Do You Become Financially Stable?

First, you must truly want to become financially stable. In order to reach financial stability at any age it will require sacrifices involving budgeting, saving, and lots of planning.

Assuming you are not financially dependent on anyone and you work for yourself, you must learn to stop living paycheck to paycheck. This is achieved through gaining a set of skills and financial knowledge from which you can put to use.

In short, you will need to:

  • Look At Your Bank Statements and Budget
  • Increase Your Income
  • Live Below Your Means
  • Increase All Monetary Accounts
  • Develop Winner Habits

We break down in complete detail how to stop living paycheck to paycheck here. Reach financial stability at any age by living below your means and eliminating living paycheck to paycheck.

Write Down Your Financial Goals

write down your financial goals
financial stability

It is important to write down your financial goals in order to materialize said goals. Type them out in a word document or write them down in a journal. Your subconscious mind sees this and allows a lot of powerful and intuitive things to occur in your mind. Working towards your financial goals will become second nature.

Writing down my goals helped me reach financial stability because I was constantly setting goals for myself. Keep planning and keep writing down your goals.

Read: How To Set Financial Goals: 10 Simple Steps!

Be Ready To Leave Your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone is where all dreams and goals die. Be prepared to leave your comfort zone if your goal is to reach financial stability. This step will require you to ditch the habits prohibiting you from reaching your financial goals.

If you want to reach financial stability you will need to develop some habits you might not like at first. This means delaying gratification to meet your future goals.

Take Action To Manifest Your Financial Vision

Begin to set things in motion by taking affirmative and disciplined action. Stick to your budgeting plan and keep working towards eliminating unnecessary expenses while earning extra income to pay off debt. Think in terms of weeks and months. Look at the progress you make at the end of every week and every month.

Learn to reach financial stability at any age by continuously taking action towards achieving your goals.

Take action every day and you’ll grow every day.

frank nez

Let Your Goals Motivate You

Record your progress to boost your motivation. This helps to visually see how much closer you are to accomplishing your goals. Motivation is at its highest in the beginning and may begin to settle as time passes. When it begins to subside, remember why you started in the first place.

The process will take time. Remember, one step is one step closer to achieving your goals. Reach financial stability at any age by staying motivated throughout your financial journey.

Some ways to stay motivated include:

  • Watching successful mentors on YouTube
  • Reading self development books
  • Following motivational pages on social media
  • Maintaining focus on your aspirations

Reaching financial stability requires you to ditch old habits and gain new ones.

Read: 6 Money Habits You Can Develop to Win Financially

Continue To Learn Throughout Your Journey

Another great way to stay motivated throughout your journey to reach financial stability is to never stop learning. Continue to educate yourself while you take on this amazing responsibility.

There is a lot of great content on YouTube from which you can gain new perspective and knowledge from. Some of our favorite people include Dave Ramsey (saving), Grant Cardone (motivation), & Andrei Jikh (investing). You will find loads of content that can benefit you when you envelop yourself with financial betterment.

Franknez.com writes a lot of content relating to your financial benefit. We take pride in helping our readers become financially confident.

Tip: Learn how to reach financial stability at any age by learning from all type of successful people.

How Do You Reach Financial Stability At Any Age?

You reach financial stability when you decide to become financially literate. Financially literacy is the understanding of managing your personal finances responsibly.

You can only fathom financial literacy if you have the willpower to seek the knowledge. You must truly want it. No amount of money greater than what you currently earn can make you become financially stable. However, it can certainly become a tool to help you reach financial stability.

Every post on Franknez.com plays a dedicated role to working towards and building your financial future. Reaching financial stability is a mix of several habits you must learn to develop before attaining this level of wealth, just like any other level of wealth.

Financial Stability Is A Mental Stability

Mental stability manifests financial stability due to a variety of factors of which include:

  • Discipline
  • Planning
  • Desire To Learn
  • Commitment
  • Time
  • Sacrifice

This level of wealth is where you decide it’s time to change your life. It’s when you stop doing a variety of things that were holding you back and focus on taking control of your destiny.

In other words, it’s when you replace your bad habits with developed winner habits. Only you can truly decide financial stability for yourself.

If you found value in this post comment below and let us know how you’re taking the necessary measures to reach financial stability! Kuddos for being here today.

Read: How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck (For Good).

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How To Set Financial Goals: 10 Simple Steps!

How To Set Financial Goals: 10 Simple Steps!

What Are Financial Goals?

Financial goals are the big visions you have for your personal finances and the way you plan to spend your money.

These financial goals are what help us achieve ultimate success and financial freedom. They also make our dreams easy to identify.

Why Do Financial Goals Matter?

Financial goals push us to keep moving forward in our day-to-day lives with a relentless focus on reaching life changing goals.

They’re what will determine how comfortably we live our lives when we’re ready to retire.

Financial goals are what separate the lower, middle, and high class.

*Key Takeaways*

  • You’ll learn the importance of becoming debt free
  • How to adopt winner habits in order to secure your financial future
  • Ways to diversify your income

If you’re here it’s because you have a genuine curiosity on how to succeed financially in life. The great news is that what led you here is no coincidence. I strongly believe we attract into our lives what we think about. Navigate this platform and manifest.

Here are 10 ways you can begin setting financial goals for yourself in order to eliminate any financial insecurities you might have.

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#1. Paying Off Debt

Financial goal to Pay off debt

Paying off debt is a financial goal everyone should strive for. Accomplishing this goal is your ticket to becoming financially free.

Everyone wants to be debt free but not everyone is willing to put in the work to break from the shackles of debt.

Some benefits to paying off debt include:

  • Freeing up resources to save and invest
  • Eliminating monthly payments to lenders
  • No more interest
  • Surge in credit score points

Paying off your debt will require temporary sacrifices, such as living below your means and delaying gratification.

I’ve found that the snowball effect is very efficient when it comes down to paying off debt. You essentially start from the smallest debt and work towards the biggest debt. You can read more about it below.

If you find yourself straying from paying off your debt, remember why you started in the first place. Crush this financial goal so you can focus on all the wonderful things in life that truly matter!

Read: Debt Sucks | Here’s How To Pay Off Thousands In Debt

#2. Creating an Emergency Fund

Financial Goal to Create an emergency fund

There are two types of emergency funds. One is a temporary emergency fund consisting of at least $1,000.00.

The second type of emergency fund is a hefty nest worth 3-6 months of expenses in case of unforeseen circumstances that may occur (and they will).

This financial goal provides you with security for when s*** hits the fan and allows you to act without the stresses caused by the lack money.

Here are some real life instances where an emergency fund can become a helpful tool:

  • To cover the cost of an unexpected medical expense
  • Keep you afloat during a recession
  • Means as a cushion to fall on if you become unemployed
  • Capital if your business loses revenue

A great way to begin your financial journey is to create a temporary emergency fund so you can focus on paying off your debt first.

Once you’ve paid off your debt, start working towards building your hefty nest worth 3-6 months of living expenses.

Read: How To Create an Emergency Fund and Why It’s Important

#.3 Saving Up For A Home

Saving up for a home is a great financial goal to crush. If you dream of owning your own home some day, you’ll need to save up for the down payment along with the fees that make this possible.

While taking up a home loan is considered a liability, it becomes an asset once you’ve paid it off.

A few of the benefits to owning a home include:

  • Security and stability
  • The ability to cash out equity on your home
  • The privilege to selling your home and earning money on increased value
  • The option to renting your property resulting in passive income

Read: 10 Successful Ways To Save Money During A Recession

#4. Increasing Your Credit Score

Financial goal to Increase your credit score
Increase your credit score – Franknez.com

Your credit score demonstrates how responsible you are handling other peoples money.

Lenders tend to accept credit scores over 650 and even 600 in some cases. The thing about our readers though is that they don’t settle for average. You are anything but average.

One of your financial goals should be to reach an excellent credit score of 700 and above.

An excellent credit score will provide you with access to just about any type of loan whether it be a home, car note, or business loan.

Read: How To Increase Your Credit Score | Reach Excellent

#5. Making Your First Investment In The Stock Market

Wall Street Bull - financial goal to invest in stocks

This financial goal is probably the most intimidating goal of them all. You most likely have thought about investing in the stock market but perhaps don’t know where to start.

We walk our readers on how to invest in the stock market step by step here.

The stock market might not be everyone’s choice of investment, but for those of you who want to partake will see just how easy it is to purchase shares and see your money grow.

Before you begin to invest in the stock market, be sure you:

  • Are debt free in order to maximize your deposits in the market
  • Have created a strong and healthy emergency fund
  • Acquire the confidence to proceed with investing in the market

Investing in stocks has the the biggest potential if you’re striving to build wealth. With the S&P 500 yielding an average 7% in return, it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever see this percentage from any bank or institution.

Are There Other Alternatives To Investing?

Invest for your financial goal

A very good alternative would be to put your money in a high yielding or money market account.

While your regular banks pay you 0.01% APY, high yielding banks can pay up to 2.05% APY!

Rates fluctuate from time to time depending on the economy, but it’s a great money move; especially if your financial goal is to grow your savings account.

Here’s a list of high yielding banks you can check out so your money can earn you a little bit of interest (money while you sleep):

*Rates are subject to change

These three banks are all FDIC insured meaning you are protects up to six figures (you’ll have to read the fine print for the exact amount).

While the rates aren’t amazing per say, they have been higher in the past and will continue to fluctuate.

BMO Harris is the only bank that requires a minimum of $5,000 to qualify for their interest rate. Marcus & Ally don’t require a minimum deposit to qualify.

Read: 5 Ways to Earn Leveraged Income: Start Now

#6. Growing Capital to Build A Startup

financial goal to build capital

Perhaps you’ve been wanting to start your own company or start a new business venture.

Growing capital is a great financial goal to set that will help you start up your company. Use these resources to purchase equipment, hire a team, and build your business.

(A) Set a specific goal.

The amount of money you’ll need to raise will highly depend on the type of business you’re going to be creating.

(B) Find your niche.

Find out which industry best suits you according to your skills and knowledge.

Read: How To Advertise Your New Business For Organic Growth

#7. Preparing For Retirement

Yahoo Finance reported from a 2019 survey that 64% of Americans will retire broke.

I think it’s safe to make retirement a priority when it comes to setting financial goals.

Retirement should be the time where we can finally look back and feel like all the hard work has paid off. It should be that time period where you can sigh in relief knowing you won’t ever have money troubles.

Around this time you’re most likely earning passive income from a variety of sources. Perhaps your investments are paying tremendous amounts of dollars every month or your online business keeps generating income.

Money during this time is working for you and you can enjoy anything your cashflow is able to provide.

How Can I Prepare For Retirement?

Preparing for retirement really includes a lot of the things that we’ve covered over in this post. Such things include:

  • Start a 401(k) with an employer match if available
  • Save money using a high yielding or money market account that accrues interest
  • Free yourself from debt in order to maximize your savings
  • Invest in the stock market
  • Invest in real estate
  • Increase your income

Preparing for retirement will become more of a challenge if you’re not debt free. The earlier you begin to save for retirement, the longer you have for compound interest to put your money to work.

Read: How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

#8. Developing a High Income Skill

financial goal: High income skill

People hit their income peak around the ages of 40-50. Developing a high income skill, especially if you’re younger, should be a financial goal you should be meeting every year.

By increasing your income every year, you’re able to come up with resources to pay off debt, invest, save, and so much more.

How Can I Develop a High Income Skill?

Develop a high income skill by providing tons of value in your industry and workplace.

The effects of providing value in the workplace result in a promotion or raise, or can be driven by an increase in sales figures.

Read: These Are The BEST Strategies To Increase Your Sales

If you’re nowhere near the income peak age you should be focusing on making as much money as possible early on in order to free up your resources so you can start focusing on the things that really matter.

Remember, you cannot grow wealth being in debt.

#9. College Savings

financial aid college savings

A financial goal that’s popular amongst parents is saving for their children’s college tuition.

A college savings plan will come in handy when your children are ready to take that leap in the real world.

Saving now can help you get a great start. We suggest using a savings account that will accrue interest; this way you earn additional money on top of your principle and recurring deposits. Use compound interest to boost your savings goals!

According to the Wall Street Journal, the average tuition is a whopping $37,172!

It would be wise to start saving for this goal as soon as you can. Personally, we’d opt out for teaching our kids to become entrepreneurs instead so they can earn as much money as they desire. It’s the financially responsible thing to do, but hey! We need all type of professionals in this world.

#10. Financial Education

Financial Education

What better financial goal than to further your financial education!

If you’re not 100% certain about how something works, invest time in yourself and do the homework until you’re confident about such topic(s).

People used to read about everything, now you can watch videos or read blogs like this one for more information.

It took me about 3 months of studying and researching how to invest in the stock market before committing to purchasing my first shares of stocks.

I created my Vanguard account and although I had done some research, it took a while before I actually proceeded. Financial education allowed me to grow confident in all things I do financially.

I wanted to make the process of investing in stocks easier for my readers so I wrote on how to invest in the stock market (step by step). You can read it here.

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Become Financially Confident

Dear readers, I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and educate yourself as much as possible so you may become financially confident and financially independent.

Break the cycles and begin to develop winner habits to secure your financial future.

Let us know in the comments section below which financial goal(s) you’ve taken up! Our readers would love to hear what you’re working on.

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eBook: Reaching The $10K Mark: How Perseverance Overrides Adversity

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