7 Amazing Strategies To Retain Your Best Clients

The key to your success as either a business owner or sales rep is your capability to service and retain your clientele. Sales are the driving force and vitality of your income. When a client stops using your services or product it may be worrisome, especially to the ambitious seller. Here are 6 amazing strategies that will help you retain your best clients in order to further your growth.

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#1 – Great Attitude Retains Clients

Great attitude retains clients

Everything begins and ends with your attitude. An amazing attitude says a lot about your character and about the type of person you are. Clients don’t want to work with someone who is bland and boring. They want to work with someone who is optimistic, excited, and pumped to work on the new project! Having a great attitude is a sure way to get a client to remember you and an even greater strategy to retain your best clients.

Tip: Never take your frustrations out on a client.

We tend to have moments of frustrations or irritations from time to time. I mean we are human after all; however, we must learn how to manage stress in the workplace in order to further enhance our working environment.

Never take your frustrations out on a client as this can result in resentment and potentially affecting your business on the long run. You want to retain your best clients, not drive them away.

#2 – Willingness To Help

If you naturally love to help others and feel the need to service people, then you understand the importance of this vital manifestation prowess. When a client sees you have the willingness to help, they think of you when a new project arises.

You become the first to quote and hear about it. You’re taken into consideration without thinking twice about it. It’s that thought of someone who’s willing to tackle a new challenge that attracts a client to your product or services.

Tip: Always demonstrate the willingness to help. Be involved, reach out, and commit. Retain your best clients with a positive and contagious attitude!

Even when you have a client in your pocket, never think they’re 100% secured. There’s always someone else competing for their business, too. Never settle, always demonstrate the willingness to help in order to retain your client’s attention.

#3 – How Problem Solving Skills Retain Clients

Problem solving skills retain clients

When it comes to problem solving skills, be a show-off. It is never in our agenda to conjure up a mistake but discrepancies sometimes do occur. It’s a matter of how we present said solutions that differentiate us from our competitors. This is particularly why you want to show off.

A client will rather work with someone who offers creative and effective solutions to problems. The hesitant ones who cannot move things around for a client will lose their business to a competitor who can.

Tip: Combine your attitude with your problem solving skills.

If you propose a solution but the client suggests something else, bite the bullet and demonstrate willingness to help and work together to find solutions . Use phrases such as, “absolutely, we’ll make it happen”. This shows attentiveness and a great attitude to carry out the mission.

#4 – Personal Relationships Will Retain Clients

You’re going to have a personal relationship with every client. They are all so different to it is important that you cater to each person at a very personal level. There is no one size fits all in this equation. Learn to distinguish everyone’s unique personalities and you’ll learn to read their needs.

Pro Tip: Be aware of personal things your clients mention about their lives outside of work.

Take note and memorize conversations you and a client had regarding something not related to work. Perhaps they just got back from vacation, watched the game over the weekend, or started a new business venture. Bring these topics up casually to spark a sense of intimacy. Retain your best clients by becoming a likeable person and further developing the relationship with your client.

Personal Relationships

Tip: Always keep it genuine and professional.

#5 – Execution

Your delivery must be exceptional. Your services or products must be remarkable. The quality of your work must exceed your clients expectations. Your attitude must be phenomenal as it is one of the biggest influences affecting your clients decision making skills when in the market for a new product or service. Execution is being able to deliver exceptional work in every measurement of your clients or customers needs.

Tip: Make sure your clients have only great things to say about you to another colleague. Have your clients refer you to more people in the team to gain more business within the organization or company.

The strength of your execution will determine whether you have the ability to retain a client or not. When you develop the skill to retain a client, growth is inevitable. Find what skills could use a bit of sharpening in order to strengthen your execution. There’s no shame in acknowledging the need for improvement.

#6 – Exclusiveness

Make a client feel exclusive and you make them feel special. It’s the bow that tops off the present, the cherry on top of the ice cream. When your client needs a favor, treat them. Strategize the way you accept their challenge. Let them know you wouldn’t do it for anyone else, make them feel happy. Demonstrate that you are trustworthy and are capable of becoming a true partner. Exclusivity requires implementing above and beyond services in order to further enhance the buying experience.

Tip: Always express gratitude towards your clients.

It is important to be kind and appreciative towards your clients in order to retain their business. As we discussed early on this excerpt, attitude goes a long way and is truly the foundation to retaining a successful clientele. The stronger your foundation is the stronger your execution skills become.

Tip: Congratulate your clients on new accounts they secure.

Let your clients know you want them to be successful, root for them; they will remember it. You’ve now entered an inner circle your competitors will have a difficult time ever attaining. This exclusiveness is what will project long-term partnership.

If you know other great strategies on how to retain your best clients please share them below on the comments section!

#7 – Be Honest

Be honest with your clients. Don’t beat around the bush, and certainly do not lie to get out of a predicament.

Clients will appreciate your honesty and will respect you for it. Never lie to the client. Be transparent if you can’t meet a deadline or if something is out of your scope. You might just end up ruining the account by fronting.

I can tell you from experience that you really do gain your clients respect when you’re honest. Not only is this part of my own value system but being honest is a sure way to retain your best clients.

Read: How To Reach $10K Per Month In Sales

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