AMC Q2 earnings call is scheduled to take place on Thursday August 4th, per CEO Adam Aron.
Shareholders are expecting a rather bullish earnings call given the great success films have had during the quarter.
Titles such as Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness and Top Gun: Maverick have had massive success in Q2.
Doctor Strange has made more than $815 million globally according to economic times.
Top Gun Maverick has earned more than $1.2 billion worldwide.
In Q1, Adam Aron announced AMC Entertainment had increased their historic market share of 22% to 26%.
Shareholders are anticipating a stronger and more profitable quarter for AMC’s Q2 earnings call.
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AMC Q1 2022 recap
AMC’s Q2 earnings call is just a few days away.
I will be covering the highlights here on the blog so be sure sign up for email notifications.
AMC Entertainment dominated with powerful Q1 results early this year.
AMC Entertainment announced it had the best 1st quarter in two years when it exceeded market expectations.
The movie theatre giant saw an impressive $630 million improvement in revenue in Q1 and $233 million in adjusted EBITDA from over a year ago.
CFO Sean Goodman announced that AMC seated 39 million guests in Q1 alone this year; it had seated 7 million guests in Q1 of 2021.
A whopping 32 million difference.
AMC Entertainment earned $785.7 million in revenue this first quarter, more than five times the revenue in Q1 of 2021 ($148.3m).
The company also ended Q1 with $1.4 billion in liquidity.
Debt and innovation
AMC repaid $45 million of deferred rent in Q1 reducing their balance to approximately $272 million.
They planned to reduce the deferred rent by another $125 million by the end of the year.
AMC Entertainment announced in July it had repurchased more than $72.5 million of lien debt.
I’m certain we will hear more about this in AMC’s Q2 earnings call this August.
Earlier in Q1 we saw AMC acquire seven new Bow Tie Cinema movie theatres.
The movie theatre chain announced a quarter billion investment in new state-of-the-art laser projectors too.
And in July Adam Aron teased about a partnership with Uber Eats.
The incredible thing is that AMC has been able to do this while significantly lowering their debt.
A pattern AMC Entertainment has demonstrated time and time again is that of progress.
A ‘pounce’ would not happen before second quarter
Adam Aron said on Twitter a ‘pounce’ would not happen before second quarter 2022 earnings are announced.
And it has shareholders eager to find out what’s coming.
Whatever it is, it’s bullish.
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