If you have experienced borrowing money from financial institutions like banks, you might have looked after your credit.

Credit is a requirement when you apply for any type of financing.

Just how necessary is your credit, and how do you keep a good score?

The following will explain the significance of credit for finance, how to deal with bad credit and ways to increase your credit score.

What is Credit?

Credit is the consumer’s promise to pay off borrowed money.

It is the basis on which individuals or establishments rely to lend a borrower some money with the ease of being repaid later. 

Essentially, credit allows you to borrow money.

The sooner you pay off your money, the greater credit you will get.

The Credit Score System

To determine someone’s creditworthiness, there has to be a way of measuring it. Credit scoring is a concrete way to check someone’s credit history and is a basis and means of qualification by lenders.

The higher the credit score, the more likely you are to get a good deal, specifically, the type of loan you can get and how much money you can borrow.

Different credit scoring systems depend on where you live and what the lender refers to.

But they still have nearly similar formats. The range typically tends to be around 300 to 850, with 580 to 669 considered fair, 670 to 739 good, 740 to 799 very good, and above that excellent. 

Big lenders prefer any borrower with a credit score that is good and upwards. This is because this objectively indicates that such a borrower can pay back what they borrowed, which is a concern, especially with huge amounts of money on the line.

Essentially, an individual with a good to excellent credit score has likely paid their dues on time and seems reliable to lend their money to.

The better the credit score is, the more opportunities one can get from the lender. For instance, one can be entitled to a loan of their choice with lower rates. They can also borrow more money than the rest. 

On the other hand, people with fair or lower scores may only have limited options.

They are likely allowed to borrow an amount lesser than those with a good score and higher rates. 

Can You Get a Loan with Bad Credit?

Getting a loan with bad credit is generally not recommended because you get lesser options and higher rates.

You could also be denied a loan. But it is still possible to get a loan even with a credit score lower than the recommended one. However, most come at a price, particularly a high-interest rate.

Getting a decent loan with bad credit depends on several factors: the type of loan you need, how much you need, the time frame you have to repay it, and the lender.

For instance, if you were to get a long-term personal loan from your bank, you could be lent an amount lesser than borrowers with better credit have. Worse, you could not be qualified for the loan you want.

On the other hand, if you go to other lenders, you might have a better chance of getting a good deal.

For instance, if you are a credit union member, you could get a personal loan with lower rates than a bank would for your credit score.

Alternatively, you could also go to lending companies, which can be more lenient and accommodating to people with bad credit. Many accept borrowers with little to even no credit, depending on the loan you need to get. 

You can visit in-person companies or seek an online lender from registered lending sites. The latter can get you online payday loans bad credit quicker than an in-person lender would.

How To Keep/Have a Good Credit Score

While there are still options for people with bad credit, having a high credit score would be more advantageous.

Here are some of the ways you can do it.

Pay off your debts on time. Of course, to get a better credit score, you must pay any debts or payments on time.

Credit scores do not necessarily cover only debts.

Other things can be put into account, such as bills and fees. Once you pay off your debts, your credit score will increase eventually.

Get a joint loan. If you have a bad credit score, you can ask someone with an excellent score to be on a joint loan together.

This is also a good way to accumulate credit if starting with your finances.

Do not take on too many loans. You may not want to get a loan if you are in a lot of debt. This could lower your credit score, and managing your finances could get more complex.

Slowly take on loans you can afford and pay them as soon as the deadline allows.


Credit plays a vital role for individuals and financial institutions.

It serves as one’s likeliness to repay something borrowed.

So, if you plan to get any financing option, try to have a good or higher credit score to enjoy more options and benefits.