Global Head of Operations at Citadel Has a Board Seat at DTCC

4 thoughts on “Global Head of Operations at Citadel Has a Board Seat at DTCC

  1. Why hasn’t the FBI or the New York Attorney Generals office been notified? An internal audit and criminal investigation should be demanded.

  2. I wish we could hire one of the forensic accountant that was on Netflix’s documentary Madoff. They did their homework. SEC turned a blind eye but this time it’s a larger audience

  3. The Federal Reserve (owned by a few very rich private banking families) created and owns DTCC. Multiple former presidents of U.S. have warned about allowing private bankers to control money/monetary policy would lead to manipulation of money/interest rates to fleece the public. Recent Fed actions/statements demonstrate that threat to investors. The insiders (Fed, DTCC, GS, JPM, Citadel…..) seem to own Congress and SEC, so nothing is done to correct the naked shorting/fraud (SEC has failed to implement a CAT – Consolidated Audit Trail for over 14 years now…).
    I talked to a class action law firm last year, but they said difficult to access trading data held in DTCC to prove naked shorting/fraud and declined to take action….

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