There is a common misconception that surveys and polls are not as important as they used to be.

It may have something to do with a series of recent political polls from around the world that have seemed to fail to predict the eventual outcome of certain elections and referendums.

But, even with an understood margin of error, conducting surveys – or polls – to gain knowledge about the views of the general public or customers is still vitally important.

Whether it is asking questions about a new flavor of soft drink, or the legalizing of California sports betting, here are five reasons why organizing a survey could be beneficial.

Cheap Research

It is all very well thinking you know your customer base – or the thoughts of the people in the city you live in.

But assumptions are definitely not the best way to gauge the beliefs of others.

So a survey, especially one that is conducted online, is an inexpensive way of getting valuable feedback.

Even surveys that offer incentives of some kind – such as prizes – are still relatively cheap compared to other methods.

The cost per respondent is what you need to be looking at here and an online survey or poll is far cheaper than mailouts or in-person question and answer techniques.

Strengthen Relationships

Even if your initial reason for conducting a survey is to find out how to go about a new plan of business, there are other side benefits.

An online survey can make customers (or any respondents) feel involved in the process and that can really help with future sales or future help.

Simply asking people’s opinions can forge a feeling of trust.

That trust can then be built on and creates a strong sense of loyalty that can only be good for your organization.

This engagement can be used in the future to strengthen the relationship even further.

Take Your Pick

You may not think that a survey is useful for you.

What good can a few questions on a form do to help you with your ultimate goals?

But there is a wide range of surveys or polls that can be used.

Once you have taken a look at the possibilities, most businesses or organizations would realize how good they could potentially be.

Obviously we would favor an online survey as this uses our experience and knowledge of forms best.

But the flexibility of surveys means that they can be conducted in a number of ways – sometimes as part of a single project.

Honest Opinions

Surveys are one of the most dependable ways of discovering opinions.

The best kind of survey or poll is obviously one that promises anonymity to its respondents.

You want the most honest answers to your questions and making sure that identities are kept secret is the way to receive that honesty.

Any online survey will need some kind of contact information though, so it is crucial to state clearly that all replies remain anonymous.

This way the opinions and answers supplied will be far more honest and given without any fear of response, providing your organization with much more valuable data.

See How Well You’re Doing

A good idea is to make the surveying a regular thing.

We have already mentioned the importance of a feeling of being involved and loyalty.

If a respondent is repeatedly asked for his or her views, this connection becomes even stronger and there will be a sense on their part that their responses are making a difference to the way you plan.

Collecting the personal views of the respondents will allow you to measure how well you are doing and whether you need to change the way you running your business or organization.

Regular surveys can be used to see how different plans are received over a longer period of time.

This kind of honest feedback can be invaluable and help future plans and initiatives.

Surveys really are a win-win option for everyone involved.

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