SEC Delays Audit Reform That Would Protect Investors To 2024

6 thoughts on “SEC Delays Audit Reform That Would Protect Investors To 2024

  1. Compelling replies. Put the data scan together and a team of Apes that know the dark pool info and contact dateline. Market it fitstvas 401k being inilated then Market Apes policing practices

  2. of course the SEC commissioner wants to scrap it …. it would probably reveal that the corruption includes the SEC or at the least people who have some connection with it….

  3. It isn’t that hard to develop a scan to track and compartmentalize data. It appears the SEC
    works for the hedge funds in trying to avoid exposure of naked shorting fraud (widespread fake shares in system). I worked in DOD and developed a scan that identified billions of dollars of assets
    deleted out of the system, which led to corrective action. (I could probably even help develop this scan with programming/funding support and access to data – if SEC actually wanted CAT developed.)
    Initially develop a large spreadsheet for 1 stock symbol, list buyer and brokerage details as well as seller and broker, price date, options data, etc. One feature that would scare hedge funds/banks is to identify how many real shares in existence, then identify how many fake shares in system and track fake share trading – and force them to close position/prosecute for theft (stealing from real stock owners by diluting value with fake shares forcing prices down)…
    Once completed, then repeat with next stock symbol until all stocks covered.

    I pasted comment below on yahoo finance (BA) on 13 Jul 22, but yahoo deleted it.

    The public needs more media exposure of unlimited naked shorting to force
    Congress/SEC/DOJ to act against organized crime. Buying puts and executing
    them without actually owning the stock to “put” to someone is another example
    of naked shorting (selling fake shares, which dilutes stock ownership and
    manipulates prices lower).
    Suggest pension funds getting ready to sue major brokerages for “renting” shares
    to short sellers (per article) develop a scan to track trading and
    breakout real shares from fake shares. The SEC should have done this as need
    stated back in May 2010 for CAT. It can prove fraud (does SEC failure to act since May
    2010 basically indicate they are an “unindicted co-conspirator” of banks/hedge
    funds theft?). If the Federal Reserve (DTCC owners) continue hiding trading data,
    then suggest coordinating scan with Boeing to track the actual owners of their
    stock. It is in BA shareholders interest to stop widespread fake share sales being
    traded and would likely double current prices if over 50% of current shares in
    system are fake and closed down/prosecuted for fraud?

    1. Thanks again Frank, for your impeccable coverage on current issues at hand! I 100% agree that Hester Pierce Definitely has conflicting issues! Frankly, Frank I am fu<^#!= livid that Hester directly has given a green light to go ahead steal my 401K that I worked 50 years to acquire. The sheer brazen audacity to down play his choice to not due his job, that I’m sure we pay him to do, like he doesn’t have the time!! Hell Fuc#^%< No! He ought to be fired on grounds of dereliction of duty! Their is nothing right about these decision that were so willfully slapped in our faces today. If there is a way to have Hester removed, he definitely needs to be dealt with! Truely appalling. Should be enjoying retirement instead of worrying about who is going to steal my retirement first!
      Need I say more?
      Gary Anderson

      1. Compelling replies. Put the data scan together and a team of Apes that know the dark pool info and contact dateline. Market it fitstvas 401k being inilated then Market Apes policing practices

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