Organized Crime in Wall Street: Big Money Buys Out Integrity

Organized Crime in Wall Street: Big Money Buys Out Integrity
#Occupywallstreet – Organized crime in Wall Street

It’s no secret Wall Street is known for its predatorial strategies in the finance world.

Retail investors known as the ‘little guys’ have been screaming at our government to take action for decades now.

Words do not fall on deaf ears.

They know all too well what’s going on within our financial system.

See, they’re lobbied to play a role in it.

Welcome to – for decades activists have peacefully raised awareness of the corruption in Wall Street. But will this new generation let themselves be silenced without any change?

Let’s dive right into it.

Join the newsletter to be part of a large activist community fighting for market transparency.

You’re about to play a major role in changing the financial world.

Gaslight: They said naked short selling did not exist

Naked Short Selling
Naked short selling is banned in various parts of the world except America

Wall Street has created fake shares in the market to drive the price of a stock down, a term known as naked short selling, for decades now.

The term naked short selling came about in the early 2000s when investors began to notice anomalies within trading activity of specific stocks.

As technology improved, Wall Street found loopholes from which they could exploit other people’s money.

And we’re not just talking about investors here.

They exploited the average people’s money who had pensions.

School teachers and other honest working-class people lost everything.

Companies like EagleTech, Overstock, and Viragen were some of the early targets for naked short selling in the early 2000s.

Shorts drove EagleTech and Viragen’s stock price so low the companies were delisted.

Wall Street profited from delisting a revolutionary technology company that Google now uses tech from.

Viragen was researching cancer.

Naked shorting was ‘banned’ but ‘meme stocks’ uncovered them

Meme stocks wallstreetbets
The retail investor community scales in growth via Reddit’s WallStreetBets

AMC, GameStop, Reddit’s r/wallstreetbets, the ‘ape army’, you’ve heard it all.

What happened decades ago is being uncovered again with GameStop and AMC stock.

Only in this decade the ‘little guys’ aren’t so little anymore.

Social media has allowed the community of retail investors and activists to have a much bigger voice.

Platforms such as YouTube have also given retail investors a medium through which they can raise awareness.

I took it upon myself to use my website to educate the masses.

While the ‘meme stock’ frenzy took over Wall Street, the industry denied the existence of naked short selling.

That is until retail’s message successfully made its way into mainstream media confirming the harm of it on national television.

In the meantime, companies owned by NewsCorp. continue to use the influence of media to drive stocks down.

Short and distort campaigns as explained by Elon Musk allow hedge funds to influence the media by pumping out negative articles on stocks.

Short sellers then take advantage of the drops and profit on the way down.

AMC and GameStop along with other heavily shorted stocks have been victims of this crime.

Hedge funds are trying to cheat themselves out of a potentially and massively large short squeeze.

The Wall Street Conspiracy (2012) Documentary

This documentary on Wall Street is a great introduction to the fight against Wall Street in the early days.

The Wall Street Conspiracy 2012
Link to full video here

The film captivates perfectly the crime on Wall Street and how our government has failed to protect the American people from it.

What’s significant about The Wall Street Conspiracy documentary is that it shows you the root of when government and the media began to get lobbied.

When activists created momentum, the media rescheduled discussing the problems on live television.

When the government was asked to step in, they did so only after the damage had already been done.

Today, financial institutions lobby congress who write the laws.

They’re writing the rules to the very own game their playing!

Watch Gary Gensler’s reaction to Jon Stewart’s statement in this short clip below.

Financial institutions lobby congress – Can we fix the stock market?

More on Gary Gensler and the SEC below.

Mainstream media gets their cut from Wall Street in “short and distort”

Wall Street Journal and affiliates are indirectly owned and influenced by Hedge Funds
Wall Street Journal and affiliates are indirectly owned and influenced by Hedge Funds

This ring of short sellers branches out to the media as well.

Remember, it’s an organized crime and is structured to work.

News Corp. owns Wall Street Journal, Market Watch and Barons just to name a few media platforms.

All of which have engaged in short and distort strategies to drive the price down of GameStop and AMC stock.

The conflict of interest is alarming considering Ken Griffin’s Citadel owns millions of shares of News Corp.

Citadel is on the list of top 10 financial institutions shorting AMC Entertainment Holdings stock.

The hedge fund lost billions of dollars last year betting against the theatre chain when retail investors bought the stock en masse.

The hedge fund/market maker has yet to close their positions.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has expressed his animosity towards both short sellers and the SEC themselves for not taking enough action.

Elon has been one of the biggest influencers speaking out on these issues.

He discusses “short and distort” in this exclusive interview with CNBC.

What progress has today’s retail community achieved?

AMC Entertainment
AMC – Against Market Corruption, as seen on Twitter

Today’s retail community has:

  • Brought naked short selling to the mainstream media
  • Uncovered high dark pool trading volume
  • Saved AMC Theatres and GameStop from collapsing
  • Sparked a trending curiosity in stock investing
  • Made a statement to Wall Street, RETAIL ISN’T LEAVING

Retail investors have spread the message across message boards online and across all of social media.

Flying banner signs have been made and flown around the country raising awareness of the ‘ape movement’.

Billboard signs have been bought out to further amplify the message.

Various documentaries are coming out on this developing worldwide event.

The ‘ape’ community is made up of both millennials and boomers of all backgrounds.

Wes Christian has joined the fight again educating retail investors on his expertise in the markets.

He was a strong advocate in the early 2000s and has demonstrated his support for this movement.

Let’s dive into what regulators are proposing right now.

What are regulators doing about the crime in Wall Street?

Wall Street

Regulators have been ‘monitoring’ naked short selling activity for over a year now.

The FBI raided hedge fund Muddy Waters in December of 2021 for flooding the market with fake orders to drive the price of stocks down.

This is a term known as ‘spoofing‘ the market.

Banks such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs received subpoenas earlier this year.

Several hedge funds are also being investigated by the Justice Department.

Citron and Citadel are two of the biggest hedge funds under scrutiny by the DOJ.

Regulators are investigating colluding between hedge funds and banks.

Illegal short selling activities are one of many fraud investigations.

Gary Gensler says 90%-95% of retail market orders are not processed through the lit exchange

Gary Gensler SEC Chairman and Commissioner

SEC chairman Gary Gensler said in a Bloomberg exclusive earlier this year that up to 95% of retail market orders are processed in dark pools.

This means for every dollar retail puts in the market only 5%-10% of that dollar is accounted for your bet.

The 90%-95% of your dollar is used against you by short sellers.

Wall Street has been picking the pockets of millions of investors for decades now and the SEC knew about it.

When the ‘ape’ community brought the high dark pool trading volume to light regulators simply couldn’t deny it.

The SEC has the power to ban dark pool trading, so why don’t they?

The only explanation that comes to mind is lobbying.

Jon Stewart referred to Gary Gensler as a sheriff that’s been outgunned.

To which Gensler responds that the SEC is not properly funded.

So, if the government isn’t properly funding the SEC, does that leave room for financial institutions to step in and ‘fund’ them instead?

You tend to get a sense of when someone is truly dedicated to their mission and Gensler is not.

The SEC Commissioner simply wants to keep his job.

You can follow me on Twitter here.

SEC highlights market transparency proposals

SEC market transparency

The SEC released a market transparency report that highlights proposals that could protect retail investors from market manipulation.

In short, the SEC would be micro-managing short selling activities.

This type of monitoring is believed to refrain hedge funds from naked short selling.

If the proposals are enforced, it will be a massive victory for the retail community.

However, retail investors are skeptical of the SEC enforcing anything at all.

Actions speak louder than words and retail investors have not seen any changes in the markets for over a year since the ‘meme stock’ frenzy.

Market makers and brokers colluded last year to remove the buy button when AMC and GameStop began to soar in January.

The manipulation sparked a movement.

And in my opinion, will start a revolution if suppression on these heavily shorted stocks isn’t lifted.

90% of retail investors now own AMC Entertainment stock according to CEO Adam Aron.

So how is the price trading so low?

Naked short selling is the issue.

The question is, will regulators take action now or when it’s too late?

Who’s responsible and how did this get out of hand?

Big banks and financial institutions with money buy influence.

They buy the influence of the media and policy/lawmakers.

The term in the United States is referred to as lobbying.

In Mexico they call the act of bribing politicians in power corruption.

There are many parties involved of which none have served jail time nor been held with accountability.

How could they when bail is so easy for these massive institutions to pay anyway?

Lobbying usually comes in the form of ‘donations’, either to a party or institution.

SEC Commission Hester Pierce who voted no on market transparency belonged to an anti-regulatory party that compensated her outside of her career’s salary.

We see this corruption everywhere.

Gary Gensler himself is worth more than $100 million according to Bloomberg sources.

Nancy Pelosi is notorious for insider trading.

She’s amassed an almost $200 million net worth on a $190k salary.

Government officials are getting richer, and Americans need to remove them from power.

Organized crime stops from within

We need honest people running the finances and government in our country.

If the government continues to grow richer, the population as an entirety will not stand a chance against systemic risks.

We the people decide who’s fit to run our country’s finances, and Wall Street is not it.

We also decide which politicians deserve a spot in government and many are not cut out for it.

It’s time for a new generation with integrity to step in and do what’s humanly right.

Join the newsletter to be part of a large activist community fighting for market transparency.

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    Retail investors Invest in Companies and People they create Job’s and innovation – Hedge Funds and Brokers make money Shorting America and do it with Retail investors Money. Hedge Funds and Brokers add nothing to our Country They only Take our Hard Earned Money and get Richer.

    • Frank Nez

      Exactly. Wall Street does not contribute to society in any positive aspect, they simply take.


    Lord Jesus, I pray that you send a mighty angel, even an Arc Angel to fight for us and to cleans our country and financial system. To punish those who are robbing the citizens of our nation. And to grant that justice be served. Eliminate the Short selling in America. And deliver those who have been victimized. Bring down the strongholds of our rulers who only trust in their power and positions and those who seek to do evil over us. Amen

  3. T.

    Class Action law suit. Dark pools, hedge funds, banks and more for the swindling of “””common folk”” whom unbeknownst were victims of organized crime and corruption.

  4. Harley Pettes

    Here is a clear example of what they are doing, and how they continue with impunity.

  5. Bruce

    One way to end the stock market asset-stripping of America is to successfully rid Russia, Ukraine and other places like America, for example, of oligarchs. Watch them trying to escape on absurdly large yachts which makes one wonder what they are trying to compensate for in terms of size. Kind of hard to hide a yacht, though they try.

  6. Frank Nez

    Let’s start a discussion!

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