15 thoughts on “Is RDBX Stock a Short Squeeze Play?

  1. Thinking of closing some Amc positions so I can open Redbox positions?
    Good or bad idea?

  2. Is Rdbx being squeezed? What is the short interest at now? Is it still being squeezed? I’m looking for an update. It’s way up from when you first posted this article

  3. Definitely keep talking about RDBX and other stocks! I love amc and have 8000 shares of amc but use your knowledge to find other stocks for the community

  4. Frank — aren’t you concerned that the average daily volume is so much higher than the entire total of shares shorted. Shorts can, if they wish, cover in a few hours. Why would they want to though? As long as CSSE stays at its current price, shares of RDBX are worth less than a 60 cents each.

  5. We don’t seem to have the volume—-but if we get it then sky is the limit

  6. I’m very new to stocks. However, I recently bought 500 shares of AMC when I became aware of how close it is to the MOASS and came across your newsletter through a fellow Ape.
    My Initial thought as a newbie is maybe once the Squeeze happens to AMC, everyone will be looking for another SS play then they’ll discover the potential Redbox has… maybe, maybe not. I’m very interested in more articles on Redbox from you Frank, thanks for the Information you provide. To someone like me it’s very helpful how in-depth you explain things and provide definitions.

  7. I have about 600 shares and holding. Wish we would get more volume. People seem to be chasing other shiny objects when the ring to destroy Mordor(HFs) is $RDBX.

    1. This ape has only 10 shares with an average price of on or about $3.86. Would love to see $150 a share. Would put that into GME or AMC. This could be epic

    2. When the market opens Monday I will be putting some money into Rdbx. Been sitting on AMC so I have nothing but time.

    1. 850 shares and buying all the dips 🍟 si and ctb are ridiculus, they never learn!

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