Gary Gensler Under Fire By Retail Investors [Leak]

Gary Gensler Under Fire By Retail Investors. When Will The SEC Step In
Will Gary Gensler protect retail investors from naked shorting and dark pool abuse?

The heat has been turned up. All eyes are on #KenGriffinLied, Gary Gensler, FINRA, and other regulators.

Financial institutions are calling retail investors conspiracy theorists despite a variety of proof leaked across social media. Transcripts, real messages regarding the manipulation that occurred in the markets preventing investors from buying GameStop and AMC stock are beginning to wake up a sleeping giant.

Retail investors cannot be gaslighted. This attention has reached many finance and business personalities including Charles Payne of FOX Business. And he wants to get Ken Griffin or Vlad Tenev on his show. gary gensler

Welcome to – the blog that fights to protect retail investors against tyranny. Today I’m calling out regulators.

Let’s get started!

Citadel Securities Denies Allegations

Apes have been raising awareness of the manipulation tactics in the market caused by Citadel Securities, Citadel LLC, and Citadel Connect… yeah it’s the same company.

See, the problem is one branch is a market maker, one is a hedge fund, and the other is a dark pool.

Since Citadel is one of the biggest hedge funds and market makers, it gives retail a massive disadvantage because of how their orders are processed.

One company is shorting AMC and GME stock, the other is creating failure-to-delivers, and the third is hiding buying pressure through dark pool processing and trading.

Financial regulators such as the SEC and FINRA are supposed to be protecting retail investors from this very exact type of manipulation.

The AMC and GameStop community have been looking at Gary Gensler, Chairman and President of the SEC to act. And now, the world is looking too.

“Justice delayed is justice denied”

William E. Gladstone

#KenGriffinLied Files Lawsuit Against Flying Company

The AMC community has been flying banners all year. The community gathered to further spread trending Twitter hashtag “#KenGriffinLied” but was halted from doing so through a law suit.

#KenGriffinLied started trending on Twitter when transcripts of coversations between Citadel and Robinhood insiders took place regarding the halt of trading meme stocks earlier this year.

Ken Griffin under oath said his team had no communication with Robinhood’s team in regards to halting trades. The transcripts show there was communication a day prior to the halts.

You can view them here.

AMC Plane Banner
AMC Plane Banner – HODL 💎

Robinhood Sold AMC Portfolio Before Halts

More transcripts have come out regarding the communication between Robinhood and Citadel Securities.

Now that you’ve seen the transcripts between Citadel and Robinhood, the transcripts below will make sense. Two Citadel executives confirm the ‘closing only’ positions of AMC, GME, NOK, BB, and NAKD just to name a few.

Robinhood’s COO, Jim Swartwout said in an internal chat “I sold my AMC today. FYI – tomorrow morning we are moving GME to 100% – so you are aware.” This chat is dated from January 26, 2021. Just two days before trading was halted.

Robinhood sold GameStop stock on January 27, 2021 when it was up more than 1200% before halting trading for everyone else. This blatant manipulation has yet to be addressed by Gary Gensler and financial institutions.

When will the SEC step in to protect retail investors?

Robinhood sold AMC stock before halting trading
Robinhood sold AMC and GameStop stock before halting trades

The halting of ‘meme stocks’ occurred on Thursday, January 28, 2021 and trading resumed on Friday, February 5, 2021.

FINRA Bypassed The Market Manipulation

In another transcript, Citadel Securities Senior Vice President discusses with another Citadel executive on the need to inform FINRA of expectations around a plan for PCO symbols and to expect an increase in complain ‘impact’.

These PCO symbols were AMC, GME, NOK, and BB.


FINRA is a private American corporation that acts as a self-regulatory organization which regulates member brokerage firms and exchange markets.

Check out what their ‘about’ page says:

“FINRA is authorized by Congress to protect America’s investors by making sure the broker-dealer industry operates fairly and honestly. We oversee more than 624,000 brokers across the country—and analyze billions of daily market events.

We use innovative AI and machine learning technologies to keep a close eye on the market and provide essential support to investors, regulators, policymakers and other stakeholders.”

This could very well be the AI technology that Citadel uses to track and predict how investors trade in the market. This advantage could be used against retail investors given that Citadel and other hedge funds have been losing billions of dollars from ‘meme stocks’.

Regulators portray to the world that their jobs are to protect retail investors and to ensure the integrity of the markets.

However, they have proven to merely be a tool for someone else’s gain. I speculate lobbying.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”

Martin Luther King

Who Oversees FINRA?

The SEC oversees FINRA as well as other financial institutions in the market. They are granted the power and authority through congress to make real change happen.

So why isn’t Gary Gensler taking action?

Missing Gary Gensler Have You Seen Me

Although we’d like to think the SEC is on the sidelines coming up with solutions, we have not heard from Gary Gensler in regards to the market manipulation that continues to occur with AMC and GameStop.

Mainstream media is finally shedding light on these problems. Now we just need our leaders to begin taking action towards a definitive solution.

What Do Retail Investors Want From The SEC?

Retail investors want a chance at a fair market where the stock they are invested in is not manipulated through naked shorting and dark pool trading.

  1. Eliminate dark pool trading
  2. Ban naked shorting / FTDs
  3. Liquidate/margin call overleveraged hedge funds

Hedge funds shorting AMC, GameStop, and other ‘meme stocks’ are preventing retail investors from participating in a fair market.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen just stated, “there are issues relating to hedge funds and the possibility of leverage..”

You can read the full article here.

Hedge funds are also proving to be the cause of disaster in the markets and are a real threat to the American people.

These financial institutions have been the culprits of devastating economic recessions throughout history. The Feds have just as much of a role to play as the SEC does. The Feds are currently dealing with their own scandal too.

Policy makers are stepping down for illegally trading in securities and playing major roles in monetary policies.

The American people and those who stand by us are holding our leaders accountable. Gary Gensler and the SEC should have taken action many months ago. The next best time to take action is now.

“Injustice alone can shake down the pillars of the skies, and restore the reign of Chaos and Night”

Horace mann

Your Voice Is A Weapon

If you agree that what’s occurring in the markets is a form of injustice, speak out on it. Leave a comment below. Tag government leaders on social media, share this powerful message, make a RUCKUS. gary gensler

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  1. Gary Peterson

    This corruption is getting bad and the corrupt are every position and sticking together. It’s time for some lawsuits no more hoping people will do the right thing!

  2. James

    I think it’s obvious that the USA and Canadian Stock Markets are affected by corruption and market manipulation!
    Our expectations, that the organizations that were put inplace to ensure a transparent and lawful market, are apparently occupied by corruption, greed and conflicts of interest!

    These stock markets will eventually experience a drastic reduction of retail investors, trust and finally their withdrawal from these corrupt and manipulated markets.

    Governments can’t expect people to invest in markets, that are less than equal to a Casino, where the odds are always in the houses favor, and are also susceptible to corruption behind the scene.

    • Frank Nez

      I agree with you 100% James. We must use our voice as a tool for change 💪 #ApesMakingChange

  3. John

    70% of our buys not making it to the NYSE is so disappointing. At first I was in shock that this is happening. Now that it has been exposed for months and no one is stopping it is just shameful and embarrassing to the rest of the world .

    • Frank Nez

      John, I’m going to have to agree with you brother. It’s time mainstream media starts pushing this scandal out. YOUR VOICE MATTERS #ApesMakingChange

  4. Alfredo

    A change is needed right now, we demand it now

    • Frank Nez

      Absolutely 💪

  5. Rick

    Thank you Frank Nez for your awesome report and being the voice for the retail investors. We demand a fair and transparent market place which haven’t been the case for many years. Stop PFOF, Stop Dark Pool trading, Stop the Illegal Synthetic Shares and Stop the FTD’s.

    • Frank Nez

      You nailed it Rick – thanks for commenting brother 🤝 #ApesMakingChange

  6. Javier Landoni

    El momento de luchar es ahora.

    • Frank Nez

      YES 💯👏

  7. Thomas

    Super written 💪🙋🏻‍♂️🇩🇰 Never seen so much corruption in the Stock market😳 Usa must do better!!

    • Frank Nez

      Thanks Thomas – I agree brother 💪

  8. Kerim

    We are not going away!! We demand change!!

    • Frank Nez


  9. DIDDY (@Diddeo)

    This article says exactly what retail traders are fuming mad about and demand change!!!!

    • Frank Nez


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