Do The ‘Apes’ Really Own AMC Entertainment?

do the apes really own AMC Entertainment?
AMC Apes – do these retail investors really own AMC Entertainment?

Like any company, if you own AMC Entertainment stock then you basically own the company.

Shareholders are essentially what fund company projects, ideas, and help drive innovation.

Especially in AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc.

AMC is a special case though because without its shareholders the company would have never survived.

Even today, AMC Entertainment would sink without its shareholders.

So, how much power do the apes have over the largest movie theatre chain in the world?

Let’s discuss it.

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How much control do the apes have over AMC Entertainment?

Do apes really own AMC Entertainment?

Earlier this year, CEO and President Adam Aron announced during 2021’s Q4 earnings call that 90% of AMC’s float was now owned by retail investors.

Last year 70%-80% of the float was owned by apes.

This is a massive amount of people who have control of AMC’s share price today.

Think about it, a massive selloff all at once could destroy the company.

Which kinda gets you thinking…

Is this why Adam Aron has not been as vocal about short selling as GameStop’s Ryan Cohen has been?

I’ll leave that up to you to answer.

But regardless the situation, the ape community really does own AMC Entertainment.

Last year Adam Aron proposed a 500 million share dilution, to which the apes voted against.

The proposal was scratched, and apes won.

AMC apes also urged the CEO to implement cryptocurrency and NFTs into the business.

Both of which came true and were a big success for the company.

Related: The Most Innovative Things Happening with AMC Today

Mainstream media has portrayed this negatively

No surprise there.

AMC is not in debt to the apes, but there’s a mutual respect where communication has been key between the two.

Retail investors have pitched several ideas to the CEO in efforts to raise more capital and bring alternative income streams to life.

This is the first time in history where the CEO of a public company has communicated with shareholders via social media – the way Adam Aron and the apes have.

The ape culture has broken down barriers in the finance and stock market world.

While retail investors have been making a ruckus about market injustices, they’ve waited on the CEO to back them up but have yet to receive that full support.

Adam Aron mocked short sellers for the second time back in February of this year.

But that’s as much as the CEO has gotten to discussing overleveraged short sellers and market manipulation of his stock.

Though he did briefly mention shorting on live television before, the ape community is hoping for more activism.

Recent criticizing from apes

Do apes really own AMC Entertainment
Do Apes Really Own AMC Entertainment?

Some apes have recently criticized Adam Aron for not focusing enough on bringing light to market injustices.

AMC investors for the most part are all in and have seen their investments drop significantly due to overleveraged shorting in the market.

Retail investors feel the CEO of the company should find solutions that will allow shareholders to be profitable – given that they are a huge lifeline for the company.

Other apes in the community argue that the CEO is entitled to fundamentally running the company only.

Which also makes sense – but this is a community and I believe Adam Aron should also take your concerns seriously.

Apes truly do own AMC Entertainment.

And any differences should be discussed civilly.

There’s never been a community like this before, so it’s important to stick together.

What do you think?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

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Related: Are You Holding Significant Losses in AMC Stock?


  1. Ben Dover


  2. Ben Dover

    Error “and the Green Bay Packers”

  3. Ben Dover

    I’ll say this. Once we squeeze not selling one share until $50K, and The Company AMC Shareholders do also, we will buy the company. Period. Much like
    Lambeau field I’m on the Green Bay Packers.

  4. rat_toy (@rattoy2)

    Part of being CEO is ensuring the company is not being illegally diluted. We have no tools to audit as shareholders and I believe there are mechanisms in a CEO and COB can enact for recording how many shares exist. The need to have this is also crucial to the operations if it plans further fund raising through offerings.

    • Frank Nez

      Great input – thanks for sharing 👊

  5. Jamie

    In every business, the CEO is responsible to shareholders while conducting the business on behalf of their Board of Directors. When shareholders start selling because of poor leadership, behold this firms response. Is it too late to replace members of the board?

    • Frank Nez

      Thanks for your input, Jamie – I agree CEOs are responsible to both the business and shareholders.

  6. shahin

    AA needs us now. He filled his own pocket with selling his stocks. The same stocks that before us were worthless and has not done anything to fight against the naked shorting of the stock..which is illegal and he has duty as CEO to fight against illegal activities that are happening to the company he is heading. I just think he is a two faced SOB that we made look good but a person that ran this company to the ground, until we showed up. He has done nothing for the Apes…. Oh sorry, he offered us free popcorn FCK YU

    • Claus

      shahin, you are absolutely right

    • Robert

      Well said , If I am not mistaken there was talk of issuing tokens or something to share holders which would have given a true accounting of how many shares there really are and who owns them.
      He DID NOT WHY ? Did someone on the other side make him an offer he could not refuse?

    • Frank Nez

      Very valuable point – thanks for sharing, Shahin.

      • Ben Dover

        Mine’s just has valuablecas his!!!! Jk 🤣🤣🤣

        His comment is spot on! 💪 DO nOT SELL your first share until $50K then we ladder sell all the way up to $500K and beyond. APES New richest animals on the earth. Hello!


  7. Carlos

    More than a Year ! I would love to see our ceo fight against short selling on AMC . Price is just not accurate .

  8. Frank Nez

    Let’s start a discussion! How long have you owned AMC Entertainment stock?

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