December 8, 2024

BREAKING: Lawmakers Propose Financial Regulation in Markets

5 thoughts on “BREAKING: Lawmakers Propose Financial Regulation in Markets

  1. Agreed on the high level premise of your article, however you are missing the fundamentals on how FTDs and Naked Shorting really work. You might want to start here: Also agree with the gentle ape above that GME is the real elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring. Mostly due to the limited 78 million shares in existence that have been heavily naked shorted over and over and over again. Also, GME is the most financially solvent of the two with no debt, 1.7billion in the bank, going S&P400 next week, e-commerce model, mass ton of top execs hired recently from Amazon, Google and Chewy, NFT marketplace to launch, same day delivery with better customer service than Amazon, and too much other good news. We are literally looking at a future competitor to Amazon.

  2. I do really like your article but l disagree with AMC being the biggest short squeeze in history.
    Wait to see where GME is going and get some numbers for it…

  3. Awesome article!!! Very informative and a great article to recomend to new apes and anyone interested in the AMC and hedge fund situation. Thank you

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