December 7, 2024

AMC’s Extremely High Short Interest Is A Ticking Time-Bomb

6 thoughts on “AMC’s Extremely High Short Interest Is A Ticking Time-Bomb

  1. MMTLP …just brief note , maybe frank you shud tag however see fit. 10/12/21 while doing some research came across stories bout MMTLP just so happens i’ve been investing in MMAT for sometime back when it was TRCH . so from what I know to be true is this: TRCH was bought by meta-materials MMAT those who had TRCH shares were given place-holder; what exactly that means i dont know yet but will find out soon after i see this portfolio. i dont know anything bout hedge funds setting this stock symbol up, preferred stock shud NOT be so easily acquired , TRCH is liquidating assets and will be releasing funds after 2 mil. dollars reached or after Dec. 30, 2021. to those with preferred stock, how much i presume is up to meta those assets are oil related in Texas, Oklahoma , amount shud be comparable to shells release, so google that. MMTLP is OTC some brokers wont sell…not sure i wud even try…i will try to edit this few hours or update with more fact than fiction. good luck to those who have place-holder you know who you are, rest..caveat-emptur…buyer beware…understand what OTC is and rules that can apply to them.

  2. Do you follow Peter Hann? Recent thread was…
    “ Iceberg Research doesn’t exist. Just another FUD strategy designed by Citadel. #KenGriffinLied

    Peter Hann CFA
    Finance Professional
    Yeah, I think the most interesting thing here is how in July their tweet got all kinds of media attention. This one has got virtually none. Trying to figure out the angle if it is FUD.

    Nathan Schurr
    Client Relations at Trotter & Morton Group of Companies
    Iceberg Research-“You can make 30% profit shorting AMC, however, at this time it is extremely risky moving forward and therefore we closed our position. We will be back if an opportunity presents itself again.”

    This is just a guess, at this point I’m not really concerned with Iceberg Research as we already exposed this company as a DUD.

    Chino Borja
    Bartender at Kings Dining & Entertainment
    Nathan Schurr Iceberg Lettuce to me, they are not big players. No SEC filing under them. Nothing change, buy & hodl

    1. IceBERRRG is not a real hedge fund entity, the analyst running the site and Twitter is a real short seller though. Massive distinction between a a company and a short seller. Iceberg has publicized articles many years back and has been backlinked to several big websites. This was many years ago though. BULLISH news, VERY smart to close short positions right now, no matter how small they are.

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