7 thoughts on “AMC Movie Theatres Are Here to Stay

  1. Frank you need to understand that we’re getting shorted today in AMC because of the government in the SEC allowing it to happen by approving the slow yesterday look it up let me know what you think?

    NSCC-2022-003 APPROVED!!! 05/31/22

    This used to be NSCC-2021-010 that would implement the SFT Clearing Service. It got delayed 9 months and was then removed and resubmitted as NSCC-2022-003. This is the one i was waiting for to pass to tell us they were close to being ready to let the MOASS happen. It would limit or prevent the rest of the market from tanking when the hedge funds started defaulting because it would let them use the NSCC as a go between for loans from other members. If they defaulted the other party would not have to worry they won’t get there money and the NSCC would be able to sell off the loaned securities in a controlled manner to keep the stock from crashing. If it was just a loan between the shorter and the loaner the shorter would dump everything at once and fuck the market. There is no listed date for when it will go into effect so it’s possible it will go into effect right away but don’t be surprised if it’s in a month or so instead.

    Here is a link:



  2. There’s obvious success happening to AMC and MSM is pushing a ‘popcorn shortage.’ Nice try but we will still prevail!!

  3. Thank You! I appreciate all your efforts. You have simplified your information flow so that even this 64 year old first time, first year of stock investing gets it.
    Buying and selling on the stock market is part of my bucket list! 👍
    You Rock Frank!

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